SECTION 41700-41704
41700. Each county shall prepare a countywide siting element which provides a description of the areas to be used for development of adequate transformation or disposal capacity concurrent and consistent with the development and implementation of the county and city source reduction and recycling elements adopted pursuant to this part. 41701. Each countywide siting element and revision thereto shall include, but is not limited to, all of the following: (a) A statement of goals and policies for the environmentally safe transformation or disposal of solid waste that cannot be reduced, recycled, or composted. (b) An estimate of the total transformation or disposal capacity in cubic yards that will be needed for a 15-year period to safely handle solid wastes generated with the county that cannot be reduced, recycled, or composted. (c) The remaining combined capacity of existing solid waste transformation or disposal facilities existing at the time of the preparation of the siting element, or revision thereto, in cubic yards and years. (d) The identification of an area or areas for the location of new solid waste transformation or disposal facilities, or the expansion of existing facilities, that are consistent with the applicable city or county general plan, if the county determines that existing capacity will be exhausted within 15 years or additional capacity is desired. (e) For countywide elements submitted or revised on or after January 1, 2003, a description of the actions taken by the city or county to solicit public participation by the affected communities, including, but not limited to, minority and low-income populations. 41702. An area is consistent with the city or county general plan if all of the following requirements are met: (a) The city or county adopted a general plan which complies with the requirements of Article 5 (commencing with Section 65300) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7 of the Government Code. (b) The area reserved for a new solid waste facility or the expansion of an existing solid waste facility is located in, or coextensive with, a land use area designated or authorized for solid waste facilities in the applicable city or county general plan. (c) The land use authorized in the applicable city or county general plan adjacent to or near the area reserved for the establishment of new solid waste transformation or disposal of solid waste or expansion of existing facilities is compatible with the establishment or expansion of the solid waste facility. 41703. If the county determines that existing capacity will be exhausted within 15 years or additional capacity is desired and that there is no area available for the location of a new solid waste transformation or disposal facility or the expansion of an existing solid waste transformation or disposal facility which is consistent with any applicable city or county general plan, the siting element shall include a specific strategy for the transformation or disposal of solid waste in excess of remaining capacity. 41704. Except as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 41710, any area or areas identified for the location of a new solid waste transformation or disposal facility shall be located in, coextensive with, or adjacent to, a land use area authorized for a solid waste transformation or disposal facility in the applicable city or county general plan.