SECTION 36000-36003
36000. This division shall be known and may be cited as the California Ocean Resources Management Act of 1990 (CORMA). 36001. The Legislature hereby finds and declares all of the following: (a) The Pacific Ocean and its many renewable and nonrenewable resources are of economic, environmental, aesthetic, recreational, military, and scientific importance to the people of the state and the nation. (b) Humankind will benefit from ocean resources as technology continues to develop. Our ability to protect, preserve, coordinate, develop, and utilize these resources requires that we do so in an informed and balanced manner. (c) On March 10, 1983, President Reagan established by proclamation an exclusive economic zone for the United States, declaring sovereign rights over living and nonliving resources within the 200-mile United States exclusive economic zone (EEZ). (d) On December 27, 1988, President Reagan extended by proclamation the seaward limit of United States territorial waters from 3 to 12 nautical miles. (e) The establishment of the exclusive economic zone and the extension of the Territorial Sea create zones under federal jurisdiction adjacent to state waters, and provide opportunity for all coastal states of the United States to more fully exercise and assert their responsibilities pertaining to the protection, conservation, and development of ocean resources under United States jurisdiction. (f) Exploration, scientific research, development, and production of ocean resources resulting from differing jurisdictions and multiple programs in federal and state waters, will increase the chance of conflicting demands on ocean resources and uses, such as those for food, energy, minerals, and waste disposal. (g) Resolution of conflicting interests in the use, development, and conservation of ocean resources will become one of the major policy issues facing the state. The problems which will emerge in the future due to interactions of competing users are already prevalent to some degree today. (h) State agencies do have particular regulatory or program interests in protecting and managing resources and uses in state waters and for coordinating state interests in the territorial sea and the EEZ, but the state needs to formulate a framework of statewide objectives for management of ocean resources and their uses, and outline a clear statement of functional responsibility for state ocean resources management. (i) The exclusive economic zone, the territorial sea, state waters, and terrestrial environments are an interdependent system that has to be managed through a cooperative effort between appropriate federal, state, and local agencies. The fluid, dynamic nature of the ocean and the migration of many of its living resources beyond state and federal boundaries extend the ocean management interests of this state beyond the three-nautical-mile limit currently managed by the state pursuant to the federal Submerged Lands Act (43 U.S.C. Sec. 1301 et seq.). 36002. The Legislature further finds and declares all of the following: (a) It is the policy of the State of California to do the following: (1) Assess the long-term values and benefits of the conservation and development of ocean resources and uses with the objective of restoring or maintaining the health of the ocean ecosystem and ensuring the proper management of renewable and nonrenewable resources. (2) Encourage ocean resources development which is environmentally sound, sustainable, and economically beneficial. (3) Provide for efficient and coordinated resources management in state and federal waters. (4) Assert the interests of this state in cooperation with federal agencies in the sound management of ocean resources. (5) Promote research, study, and understanding of ocean processes and resources to acquire the scientific information necessary to understand the ocean ecosystem and life-support systems and the relationships of ocean development activities and associated impacts on ocean and coastal resources of the state and adjacent zones of federal jurisdiction. (6) Encourage research and development of innovative, environmentally compatible marine technologies for protection, exploration, and utilization of ocean resources. (b) It is further the policy of the State of California to develop and maintain an ocean resources planning and management program to promote and ensure coordinated management of federal resources and uses with those in state waters, and with adjacent states, to ensure effective participation in federal planning and management of ocean resources and uses which may affect this state, and to coordinate state agency management of ocean resources with local government management of coastal zone uses and resources above the mean high tide line. 36003. (a) No authority is created under this division, nor shall any of its purposes or provisions be used by any public or private agency or person, to delay or deny any existing or future project or activity during the preparation and delivery of the report and plan required by this division. (b) No authority is created under this division to supersede current state agency statutory authority. (c) The task force established pursuant to Section 36300 shall cease to exist upon delivery of its report and plan to the Governor and the Legislature.