SECTION 31000-31017
31000. Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions in this chapter govern the construction of this division. 31001. "Certified local coastal plan or program" means any plan or program or land use plan of a local program adopted by the commission pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 30500) of Division 20. 31002. "Conservancy" means the State Coastal Conservancy. 31004. "Commission" means the California Coastal Commission established under Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 30300) of Division 20. 31005. "Bay commission" means the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, established under Title 7.2 (commencing with Section 66600) of the Government Code. 31006. (a) "Coastal zone" means that area of the state as defined in Section 30103. Only for purposes of conservancy action in San Francisco Bay, the "coastal zone" also includes areas that are within the permit jurisdiction of the bay commission, as described in Section 66610 of the Government Code, with the exception of Contra Costa County lands from the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge north and east to the termination of the bay commission boundary, except as provided in subdivision (b), as well as any uplands, wetlands, marshes, diked lands, and other watershed lands that significantly affect the environmental quality of the bay or are directly related to the public's use and enjoyment of the bay, and other watershed lands within the nine counties adjacent to the bay that have waters that flow directly into the bay or the ocean. (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), with respect to lands within Contra Costa County that are included within the permit jurisdiction of the bay commission, as described in Section 66610 of the Government Code, or that consist of any uplands, wetlands, marshes, diked lands, or other watershed lands that significantly affect the environmental quality of the bay or are directly related to the public's use and enjoyment of the bay, the local public agency having jurisdiction over any such lands may formally request conservancy action by resolution. 31007. "Coastal restoration project" means an action taken by a public agency, including the conservancy, or a nonprofit organization, to correct undesirable development patterns in the coastal zone. 31008. "Coastal resource enhancement project" means an action taken by a public agency, including the conservancy, or a nonprofit organization, to restore, as nearly as possible, degraded natural areas to their original condition or to enhance the resource values of a coastal zone. 31009. "Department" means the Department of Parks and Recreation. 31010. "Local public agency" includes, but is not limited to, a city, county, city and county, district, association of governments, or joint powers agency. 31011. Any funds received by the department pursuant to this division shall be deposited in the State Parks and Recreation Fund. Unless otherwise provided in this division, any funds received by the conservancy pursuant to this division shall be deposited in the State Coastal Conservancy Fund. The conservancy and the Controller shall establish separate accounts within the State Coastal Conservancy Fund for the purpose of separating deposits into the fund according to their origin. 31012. (a) The Coastal Trust Fund is hereby established in the State Treasury, to receive and disburse funds paid to the conservancy in trust, subject to the right of recovery to fulfill the purposes of the trust, as provided in this section. (b) (1) There is in the Coastal Trust Fund the San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program Account, which shall be expended solely for the purposes of Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 31160). (2) The conservancy shall deposit in the San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program Account all funds received by the conservancy for the purposes of the San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program established under Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 31160), from sources other than the state or federal government and not provided for in subdivision (a) of Section 31164. These funds include, but are not limited to, private donations, fees, penalties, and local government contributions. (c) (1) There is in the Coastal Trust Fund the Coastal Program Account. Funds in the Coastal Program Account shall be expended solely for their specified trust purposes. (2) Upon approval of the Department of Finance, the conservancy shall deposit in the Coastal Program Account all funds paid to the conservancy in trust for purposes of this division, except those funds identified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b). The funds that shall be deposited in the Coastal Program Account, upon that approval, include, but are not limited to, funds that are paid to the conservancy in trust for purposes of mitigation, for settlement of litigation, instead of other conditions of coastal development permits or other regulatory entitlements, or for other trust purposes consistent with this division and specified by the terms of a gift or contract. Funds in the Coastal Program Account shall be separately accounted for according to their source and trust purpose. Funds may not be deposited in the Coastal Program Account without the Department of Finance's approval. (d) Interest that accrues on funds in the Coastal Trust Fund shall be retained in the Coastal Trust Fund and available for expenditure by the conservancy for the trust purposes. (e) The conservancy shall maintain separate accountings of funds within the Coastal Trust Fund, pursuant to its fiduciary duties, for the purpose of separating deposits and interest on those deposits, according to their trust purposes. (f) Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, all funds in the Coastal Trust Fund are continuously appropriated, without regard to fiscal year, to the conservancy to fulfill the trust purposes for which the payments of funds were made. (g) The conservancy shall provide an annual accounting to the Department of Finance of the conservancy's expenditures from, and other activities related to, the Coastal Trust Fund. 31013. "Nonprofit organization" means any private, nonprofit organization, that qualifies under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, and whose purposes are consistent with this division. 31014. "Bay plan" means the San Francisco Bay Plan as adopted by the bay commission. 31015. "Suisun Marsh Protection Plan" means the plan approved as provided in Division 19 (commencing with Section 29000). 31016. "Local plan" means any land use plan of a local public agency, port district, regional park or open-space district, or recreation and park district whose jurisdiction is included, in whole or in part, within the jurisdiction of the conservancy within San Francisco Bay in the areas described in Section 31006. 31017. "Public agency" includes, but is not limited to, local public agencies, state agencies, federal agencies, colleges and universities, intergovernmental bodies, and federally recognized Indian tribes.