
SECTION 30920-30921

30920.  (a) The purpose of this chapter is to provide authorization
for projects that restore and protect the water quality and
environment of marine managed areas, as defined in subdivision (d) of
Section 36602, including areas of special biological significance,
as defined in the California Ocean Plan adopted pursuant to Section
13170.2 of the Water Code.
   (b) The board shall give priority to projects that treat or
otherwise remove existing waste discharges, or prevent probable waste
discharges, into areas of special biological significance.

30921.  (a) Upon appropriation by the Legislature for that purpose,
funds may be expended by the board, in consultation with the State
Coastal Conservancy, the California Coastal Commission, and, as
appropriate, the Department of Fish and Game, to award grants, not to
exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000) per project, to local public
agencies and nonprofit organizations for the purposes of this
   (b) The projects funded to carry out this chapter shall
demonstrate the capability of contributing to sustained, long-term
water quality or environmental restoration or protection benefits for
a period of 20 years, address the causes of degradation rather than
the symptoms, and be consistent with water quality control plans and
resource protection plans prepared, implemented, or adopted by the
board, the applicable regional board, the Department of Fish and
Game, and the State Coastal Conservancy.
   (c) An applicant for funds to carry out this chapter shall be
required to submit to the board a monitoring and reporting plan that
does all of the following:
   (1) Identifies the sources of pollution to be prevented or reduced
by the project.
   (2) Describes the baseline water quality or environmental quality
to be addressed.
   (3) Describes the manner in which the project will be effective in
preventing or reducing pollution and in demonstrating the desired
environmental results.
   (4) Describes the monitoring program, including, but not limited
to, the methodology, frequency, and duration of monitoring.
   (d) Upon completion of the project, a recipient of funds to carry
out this chapter shall submit a report to the board that summarizes
the completed activities and indicates whether the purposes of the
project have been met. The report shall include information collected
by the recipient in accordance with the project monitoring and
reporting plan, including a determination of the effectiveness of the
project in preventing or reducing pollution, and the results of the
monitoring program. The board shall make the report available to the
public, watershed groups, and federal, state, and local agencies.
   (e) The board may not award more than 25 percent of a grant to
carry out this chapter in advance of the expenditure of funds by a
   (f) An applicant for funds to carry out this chapter shall inform
the board of any necessary public agency approvals, entitlements, and
permits that may be necessary to implement the project. The
applicant shall certify to the board, at the appropriate time, that
those approvals, entitlements, and permits have been granted.
   (g) Where recovery plans for coho salmon, steelhead trout, or
other threatened or endangered coastal and marine aquatic species
exist, projects funded to carry out this chapter shall be consistent
with those plans and, to the extent feasible, shall seek to implement
actions specified in those plans.
   (h) The board, in consultation with the California Coastal
Commission, shall appoint a marine managed areas water quality task
force comprised of individuals representing the breadth and diversity
of coastal communities, interested nonprofit groups, and marine
resource users. All proposals for grant funding to carry out this
chapter shall be reviewed by the task force. The task force may
recommend projects to the board for funding consideration.
   (i) The board shall provide opportunity for public review and
comment in awarding funds to carry out this chapter.