SECTION 30530-30534
30530. It is the intent of the Legislature, consistent with the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 31400) of Division 21, that a program to maximize public access to and along the coastline be prepared and implemented in a manner that ensures coordination among and the most efficient use of limited fiscal resources by federal, state, and local agencies responsible for acquisition, development, and maintenance of public coastal accessways. There is a need to coordinate public access programs so as to minimize costly duplication and conflicts and to assure that, to the extent practicable, different access programs complement one another and are incorporated within an integrated system of public accessways to and along the state's coastline. The Legislature recognizes that different public agencies are currently implementing public access programs and encourages such agencies to strengthen those programs in order to provide yet greater public benefits. 30531. The commission shall be responsible for the preparation of a public coastal access program which includes the elements set forth in this section and which, to the maximum extent practicable, is incorporated into the local coastal programs prepared, approved, and implemented pursuant to this division. (a) On or before January 1, 1981, the commission shall prepare a coastal access inventory. The coastal access inventory shall be updated on a continuing basis and shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: (1) A list identifying lands held or operated for the purpose of providing public access to or along the coast. Each listing shall include a brief description of the type of access provided, access constraints, access facility ownership, and resources or uses for which access is provided or suitable. (2) A list of known offers to dedicate, accepted dedications, and any other legally binding actions taken that provide opportunities for any type of public use of or access to or along the coast. Each listing shall include a brief description of the legal status of the instrument granting or otherwise providing public access, whether public access is physically available, and if not, what action is necessary to be taken to accomplish actual public use. (3) A map showing the precise location of the listings included pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subdivision. (b) On or before June 1, 1980, the commission shall, in consultation with the Department of Parks and Recreation, the State Coastal Conservancy, and other appropriate public agencies, make recommendations to guide state, local, and to the extent permitted by law federal public agencies in the identification, development, and management of public accessways to and along the coast. The recommendations made pursuant to this section shall be consistent with the public access policies of this division and, with respect to recommendations relating to development of public accessways, consistent with the policy of protecting coastal resources. (c) On or before January 1, 1981, and from time to time thereafter, the commission, in consultation with the State Coastal Conservancy and other affected public agencies, shall identify the public agency or agencies it deems the most appropriate agency or agencies to accept responsibility for the management of those public coastal accessways listed pursuant to subdivision (a) for which no public agency has accepted such management responsibilities. In identifying the agency or agencies most appropriate to accept public access management responsibilities, the commission shall include its best estimate of costs for the development, operation, and maintenance of such accessways and shall recommend to the Governor and the Legislature a method of funding such costs. In preparing its recommendations for funding public coastal accessway operation and maintenance costs, the commission shall develop alternative, innovative funding techniques that take into account the appropriateness of local funding for the operation and maintenance of accessways that serve primarily local needs. If the commission identifies a state agency as the appropriate agency to assume management responsibility and such agency does not accept such responsibility, the agency shall, by December 31 of the year in which the commission completes its report, advise the commission of its reasons why it did not or cannot accept such responsibility. The State Coastal Conservancy shall take those actions it deems appropriate, including necessary agreements, to negotiate or otherwise accomplish the acceptance of management responsibility by the agency identified by the commission. 30532. The commission may enter into agreements with or issue grants to any public agency for the purpose of assisting the commission in meeting the requirements of this article. The commission shall, to the extent available funding permits, enter into agreements with those state agencies that currently operate some form of public coastal access program for the purpose of completing the inventory required by subdivision (a) of Section 30531. The commission shall enter into an agreement with the State Coastal Conservancy to provide the funding necessary for the conservancy to carry out its responsibilities pursuant to this article and Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 31400) of Division 21. 30533. (a) On or before January 1 of each year, the commission and the State Coastal Conservancy shall report to the Governor and the Legislature the progress made in implementing the public coastal access program established by this article. The report shall include progress in facilitating the acceptance of outstanding offers to dedicate and shall identify new offers to dedicate recorded in the previous fiscal year. For each offer to dedicate accepted or recorded in the previous calendar year, the report shall include all of the following information: (1) Type of offer to dedicate. (2) Location of property. (3) Expiration date of offer. (4) Name of entity that accepted the offer to dedicate. (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the commission, the State Coastal Conservancy, and all other appropriate public agencies proceed with all deliberate speed to implement the provisions of this article prior to the deadlines established in this article. 30534. The commission shall, within 10 days after receiving evidence of recordation of any offer to dedicate real property for access to or along the coast, which dedication was required as a condition to the issuance of a coastal development permit, forward a copy of such evidence and a description of such real property to the Department of Parks and Recreation, the State Coastal Conservancy, and the State Lands Commission.