SECTION 13230-13233
13230. Nothing in this division shall be construed to authorize or permit a district to operate any facilities for furnishing any water services in any portion of the district which is included within a county water district. 13231. The county water district may elect to install the facilities for furnishing water services within any area that is included within both districts. In such event, the district shall provide the funds that are required therefor that the county water district would not otherwise provide. 13232. The county water district may elect to have the facilities installed by the district for providing water services within any area that is included within both districts. In such event, the facilities shall be installed by the district in conformity with plans and specifications previously approved by the county water district, and under such inspection and approval as it shall direct. 13232.3. The Grizzly Lake Resort Improvement District, the Napa-Berryessa Resort Improvement District, and the Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District may contract with any state agency to finance any district improvement authorized by this division that is related to the provision of water for human consumption. The terms of the contract shall be consistent with this division. Notwithstanding any other provision in this division, the term of the contract may extend up to 30 years. 13233. Nothing in this division shall be construed to repeal or limit any power possessed by a county water district within which there is any part of this district.