3015. (a) The Secretary of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall establish a parole reentry accountability program for parolees who have been sentenced to a term of imprisonment under Section 1170. The purpose of the program is to promote public safety, hold parolees accountable, and reduce recidivism. (b) The department shall employ a parole violation decisionmaking instrument to determine the most appropriate sanctions for these parolees who violate their conditions of parole. (1) For purposes of this subdivision, a "parole violation decisionmaking instrument" means a standardized tool that provides ranges of appropriate sanctions for parole violators given relevant case factors, including, but not limited to, offense history, risk of reoffense based on a validated risk assessment tool, need for treatment services, the number and type of current and prior parole violations, and other relevant statutory requirements. (2) The department shall adopt emergency regulations to implement this section initially, and shall subsequently adopt permanent regulations that make appropriate changes in policies and procedures to reflect the intent of this section. (c) The secretary shall have the discretion to establish additional tools and standards to further the purposes of this section. (d) Parolees subject to this program with a history of substance abuse or mental illness who violate their conditions of parole may be referred by the department to a reentry court program established pursuant to subdivision (e). (1) A parolee who is deemed eligible by the department to participate in a reentry court program may be referred by his or her parole officer for participation in the program. The court shall have the discretion to determine if the parolee will be admitted into the program and, in making this determination, shall consider, among other factors, whether the parolee will benefit from the program, the risk the parolee poses to the community, and the history and nature of the committing offense. (2) If the court determines that the parolee will be admitted into the program, the court, with the assistance of the parolee's parole agent, shall have exclusive authority to determine the appropriate conditions of parole, order rehabilitation and treatment services to be provided, determine appropriate incentives, order appropriate sanctions, lift parole holds, and hear and determine appropriate responses to alleged violations, unless and until the court terminates the parolee's enrollment in the program authorized by subdivision (e). (3) A reentry court program plan shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following: (A) The anticipated number of parolees who will be served by the program. (B) The method by which each parolee who is eligible for the program shall be referred to the program. (C) The method by which each parolee is to be individually assessed as to his or her treatment and rehabilitative needs and the level of community and court monitoring required by the program. (D) The criteria for continued participation in, and successful completion of, the program, as well as the criteria for termination from the program and referral to the parole revocation process. (E) A description of how the program shall be administered effectively. (F) An established method by which to report outcome measures for program participants. (G) The development of a program team, as well as a plan for ongoing training in utilizing the drug court and collaborative court nonadversarial model. (e) (1) Subject to funding made available for this purpose, the secretary shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Administrative Office of the Courts for the purpose of the establishment and operation of parolee reentry court programs. Only courts with existing drug and mental health courts or courts that otherwise demonstrate leadership and a commitment to conduct the reentry court authorized by this section may participate in this program. These parolee reentry court programs shall, with the assistance of the parolee's parole agent, direct the treatment and supervision of parolees who would benefit from community drug treatment or mental health treatment. The purpose of reentry court programs created pursuant to this subdivision is to promote public safety, hold parolees accountable, and reduce recidivism. The program shall include key components of drug and collaborative courts using a highly structured model, including close supervision and monitoring, dedicated calendars, nonadversarial proceedings, frequent drug and alcohol testing, and close collaboration between the respective entities involved to improve the parolee's likelihood of success on parole. (2) The Judicial Council, in collaboration with the department, shall design and perform an evaluation of the program that will assess its effectiveness in reducing recidivism among parolees and reducing parole revocations. (3) The Judicial Council, in collaboration with the department, shall submit a final report of the findings from its evaluation of the program to the Legislature and the Governor no later than 3 years after the establishment of a reentry court pursuant to this section.