
SECTION 11150-11152

11150.  Prior to the release of a person convicted of arson from an
institution under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections,
the Director of Corrections shall notify in writing the State Fire
Marshal and all police departments and the sheriff in the county in
which the person was convicted and, if known, in the county in which
he is to reside. The notice shall state the name of the person to be
released, the county in which he was convicted and, if known, the
county in which he will reside.

11151.  Within five days after release of a person convicted of
arson from an institution under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Mental Hygiene, the Director of Mental Hygiene shall send the notice
provided in Section 11150.

11152.  Upon receipt of a notice as provided in Section 11150 or
11151, the State Fire Marshal shall notify all regularly organized
fire departments in the county in which the person was convicted and,
if known, in the county in which he is to reside.