SECTION 7855-7870
7855. The purpose of this chapter is to prevent or minimize the consequences of catastrophic releases of toxic, flammable, or explosive chemicals. The establishment of process safety management standards are intended to eliminate, to a substantial degree, the risks to which workers are exposed in petroleum refineries, chemical plants, and other related manufacturing facilities. 7856. No later than July 1, 1992, the board shall adopt process safety management standards for refineries, chemical plants, and other manufacturing facilities, as specified in Codes 28 (Chemical and Allied Products) and 29 (Petroleum Refining and Related Industries) of the Manual of Standard Industrial Classification Codes, published by the United States Office of Management and Budget, 1987 Edition, that handle acutely hazardous material as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 25532 and subdivision (a) of Section 25536 of the Health and Safety Code and pose a significant likelihood of accident risk, as determined by the board. Alternately, upon making a finding that there is a significant likelihood of risk to employees at a facility not included in Codes 28 and 29 resulting from the presence of acutely hazardous materials or explosives as identified in Part 172 (commencing with Section 172.1) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the board may require that these facilities be subject to the jurisdiction of the standards provided for in this section. When adopting these standards, the board shall give priority to facilities and areas of facilities where the potential is greatest for preventing severe or catastrophic accidents because of the size or nature of the process or business. The standards adopted pursuant to this section shall require that injury prevention programs of employers subject to this part and implemented pursuant to Section 6401.7 include the requirements of this part. 7857. The process safety management standards shall include provisions dealing with the items prescribed by Sections 7858 to 7868, inclusive, of this chapter. 7858. The employer shall develop and maintain a compilation of written safety information to enable the employer and the employees operating the process to identify and understand the hazards posed by processes involving acutely hazardous and flammable material. The employer shall provide for employee participation in this process. This safety information shall be communicated to employees involved in the processes, and shall include information pertaining to hazards of acutely hazardous and flammable materials used in the process, information pertaining to the technology of the process, and information pertaining to the equipment in the process. A copy of this information and communication shall be accessible to all workers who perform any duties in or near the process area. 7859. The employer shall perform a hazard analysis for identifying, evaluating, and controlling hazards involved in the process. The employer shall provide for the participation of knowledgeable operating employees in these analyses. The final report containing the results of the hazardous analysis for each process shall be available, in the respective work area, for review by any person working in that area. Upon request of any worker or any labor union representative of any worker in the area, the employer shall provide or make available a copy of any risk management prevention program prepared for that facility pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 25531) of Chapter 6.95 of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code. The board, when adopting a standard or standards pertaining to this section, may authorize employers to submit risk management prevention programs prepared pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 25531) of Chapter 6.95 of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code to satisfy related requirements in whole or in part. 7860. (a) The employer shall develop and implement written operating procedures that provide clear instructions for safely conducting activities involved in each process consistent with the process safety information. (b) A copy of the operating procedures shall be readily accessible to employees or to any other person who works in or near the process area. (c) The operating procedures shall be reviewed as often as necessary to assure that they reflect current operating practice, including changes that result from changes in process chemicals, technology, and equipment, and changes to facilities. 7861. (a) Each employee whose primary duties include the operating or maintenance of a process, and each employee prior to assuming operations and maintenance duties in a newly assigned process, shall be trained in an overview of the process and in the operating procedures as specified in Section 7860. The training shall include emphasis on the specific safety and health hazards, procedures, and safe practices applicable to the employee's job tasks. (b) Refresher and supplemental training shall be provided to each operating or maintenance employee, or both, and other worker necessary to ensure safe operation of the facility and on a recurring regular schedule as determined adequate by the board. (c) The employer shall ensure that each worker necessary to ensure safe operation of the facility has received and successfully completed training as specified by this section. The employer, after the initial or refresher training shall prepare a certification record which contains the identity of the employee, the date of training, and the signature of the person conducting the training. Testing procedures shall be established by each employer to ensure competency in job skill levels and safe and healthy work practices. 7862. (a) The employer shall inform contractors performing work on, or near, a process of the known potential fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards related to the contractor's work and the process, and require that contractors have trained their employees to a level adequate to safely perform their job. The employer shall also inform contractors of any applicable safety rules of the facility, and assure that the contractors have so informed their employees. (b) The employer shall explain to contractors the applicable provisions of the emergency action plan required by Section 7868. (c) Contractors shall assure that their employees have received training to safely perform their jobs and that these employees will adhere to all applicable work practices and safety rules of the facility. 7863. The employer shall perform a prestartup safety review for new facilities and for modified facilities for which the modification necessitates a change in the process safety information. These reviews shall include knowledgeable operating employees. 7864. The employer shall establish and implement written procedures and inspection and testing programs to maintain the ongoing integrity of process equipment. These programs shall include a process for allowing employees to identify and report potentially faulty or unsafe equipment, and to record their observations and suggestions in writing. The employer shall respond regarding the disposition of the employee's concerns contained in the reports in a timely manner. 7865. The employer shall develop and implement a written procedure governing the issuance of "hot work" permits. "Hot work" includes electric or gas welding, cutting, brazing, or similar flame- or spark-producing operations. 7866. The employer shall establish and implement written procedures to manage changes, except for replacements in kind, to process chemicals, technology, and equipment, and to make changes to facilities. 7867. The employer shall establish a written procedure for investigating every incident which results in, or, as determined by board criteria, could reasonably have resulted in, a major accident in the workplace. The procedure shall, at a minimum, require that a written report be prepared and be provided to all employees whose work assignments are within the facility where the incident occurred at the time the incident occurred and shall also include establishing a method for dealing with findings and recommendations. 7868. The employer shall establish and implement an emergency action plan. The employer may use the business plan for emergency response submitted pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 25503.5 and subdivision (b) of Section 25505 of the Health and Safety Code if it meets the standards adopted by the board. 7870. Notwithstanding the availability of federal funds to carry out the purposes of this part, the division may fix and collect reasonable fees for consultation, inspection, adoption of standards, and other duties conducted pursuant to this part. The expenditure of these funds shall be subject to appropriation by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.