SECTION 12050-12055
12050. An incorporated insurer issuing surety policies on the reserve basis shall be governed by the paid-in capital and surplus requirements of Sections 700. 01 to 700.05, inclusive. 12051. During the first three years following its admission, the insurer's assets in an amount equal to its required paid-in capital shall be in cash or in the value of obligations, purchase of which is approved by the commissioner, of the United States government, any State, or any county in this State. 12052. After such three-year period, investments of such insurers are subject only to the provisions of this code regulating generally the investments of other incorporated insurers issuing policies on a reserve basis. 12055. An insurer admitted in the State to transact credit insurance may also acquire and dispose of debts so insured and collect any debts owed to such insurer or to any person so insured by it. In performing any such act the credit insurer shall be under the jurisdiction of the Insurance Commissioner.