
SECTION 7300-7304

7300.  No person shall embalm the body of any person who has died
from an unknown cause, except with the permission of the coroner.

7301.  No embalmer shall embalm a dead human body when he has
information reasonably indicating crime in connection with the death
until permission of the coroner has been obtained.

7302.  Every funeral director and embalmer shall immediately report
to the local health officer every contagious case on which the
funeral director or embalmer may be called.

7303.  No embalmer shall embalm a dead human body when he has
information reasonably indicating the death has occurred while the
deceased was driving or riding in a motor vehicle, or as a result of
the deceased being struck by a motor vehicle, until permission of the
coroner, his appointed deputy coroner, or a judge in the county, if
there is no coroner, has been obtained.

7304.  No embalmer shall embalm a dead body without obtaining
written or oral permission of a person who has the right to control
the disposition of the remains pursuant to Section 7100, except that
prior authorization is not required if embalming is necessary in
order to comply with applicable laws or regulations, or is necessary
to avoid irreparable deterioration of the dead body, in which case, a
good faith effort shall be made to obtain permission.