SECTION 51225-51232
51225. In selecting proposals for financing, the agency shall balance its activity between urban metropolitan, nonmetropolitan, and rural metropolitan areas of the state in general proportion to the needs identified in the California Statewide Housing Plan. Insofar as feasible, the agency shall attempt to provide financing for housing specifically designed for occupancy by particular types of lower income households in general proportion to the proportionate need identified in the California Statewide Housing Plan and shall concentrate financing of construction and rehabilitation and financing for the sale of existing housing in areas of need as identified in the California Statewide Housing Plan or pursuant to regulations adopted pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 50462. The agency may also give priority consideration to, and reserve funds for use in connection with, large urban revitalization programs. To facilitate the implementation of that portion of the agency's mandate to serve nonmetropolitan and rural metropolitan areas of the state in general proportion to the needs identified in the statewide housing plans, the agency shall, in nonmetropolitan and rural metropolitan areas, actively and aggressively pursue the development and financing of projects in communities of various sizes in general proportion to the communities' needs. The annual reports required of the agency pursuant to Section 51005 shall specifically enumerate the agency's progress towards meeting its mandate to serve nonmetropolitan and rural metropolitan areas, and shall assess any obstacles or problems which it has encountered in meeting this mandate, and suggest legislative and administrative solutions to overcome these obstacles or problems. In enumerating its progress, the agency shall separately assess its progress in meeting the rehabilitation needs of rural areas and the new construction needs of rural areas, and separately assess its progress as to single and multifamily units. The agency shall include in its report an enumeration of its progress in meeting the housing needs of communities of various sizes in rural areas. In order to facilitate implementation of local housing allocation plans, the agency may contract with a local public entity to reserve a portion of available credit and subsidy assistance for that area for one year. These contracts may be renewed annually by mutual agreement. 51226. (a) Subject to the availability of adequate subsidies, not less than 30 percent of the combined total units financed by mortgage loans and property improvement loans pursuant to this part during each fiscal year shall be made available on a priority basis to very low income households. Subject to the availability of adequate subsidies, not less than 20 percent of the units in each housing development shall be made available on a priority basis to very low income households, except that such requirement shall not apply to housing developments of less than 12 units where the agency finds it is not necessary to make units available in the development for very low income households to meet the requirement of making 30 percent of total units available to very low income households. In housing developments for which the agency provides a construction loan but not a mortgage loan, not less than 20 percent of the units shall be made available on a priority basis to lower income households. Units required to be made available on a priority basis pursuant to this section, shall be offered exclusively to those within the priority group unless or until the agency permits the unit to be offered to other potential occupant groups. (b) In rental housing developments for which the agency provides insurance but not construction or mortgage loans, not less than 10 percent of the units shall be made available on a priority basis to lower income households. These units shall be of comparable quality and offer a range of sizes and number of bedrooms comparable to the range of those units which are available for other tenants. (c) The agency shall actively and aggressively pursue all available federal housing programs and utilize fully all available subsidies in order to achieve the purposes of this section. 51226.5. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 51226, in each housing development financed by the agency and insured under a federal multifamily insurance program, the agency shall enter into a loan commitment only in conformance with the following requirements: (1) With respect to housing developments financed on or after January 1, 1985, not less than 25 percent of the units shall be made available on a priority basis for very low income households. (2) With respect to housing developments financed on or after January 1, 1985, an additional 10 percent or more of the units shall be made available on a priority basis for other lower income households if a subsidy for the housing development is provided through the agency or directly by the federal government. (b) Not less than 75 percent of the units in a housing development financed by the agency and insured under a federal multifamily insurance housing program shall be made available on a priority basis for persons and families of low or moderate income. (c) The agency may provide financing for housing developments for the elderly that are insured under a federal insurance program when the requirements of subdivisions (a) and (b) are met and (1) a minimum of 35 percent of the units in the development are made available for lower income households, or (2) a majority of the units in the housing development which are to be made available for low income households are reserved for nonelderly households. This section shall become operative January 1, 1985. 51227. At the close of each fiscal year the agency shall ascertain that not less than 25 percent of the total units financed by mortgage loans during the preceding 12 months pursuant to this part were made available to very low-income households. At the close of each fiscal year the agency shall ascertain that not less than 25 percent of all units financed pursuant to this part by mortgage loans are occupied or available to very low-income households. 51227.7. It shall be a goal of the agency that not less than 80 percent of the dollar amount of financing from proceeds of bonds issued after December 31, 1979, be used to fund loans for the new construction or substantial rehabilitation of housing. In no event shall the agency allocate less than 60 percent of the dollar amount of its financing from bond proceeds to fund loans (1) for new construction and substantial rehabilitation and (2) to make available subsidized rental units. This requirement shall apply to loans made after December 31, 1979, and shall be cumulative. As used in this section, "substantial rehabilitation" means rehabilitation in which the costs of rehabilitation equal or exceed 20 percent of the value of the structure after rehabilitation. 51228. At the time a mortgage loan commitment is made to finance any rental or cooperative housing development, a written agreement between the agency and housing sponsor shall be executed, designating the number of units to be made available on a priority basis within such housing development to very low income households, to other persons and families of low or moderate income, and to other households. If the number of units occupied by very low income households in any housing development ever falls below the number agreed to by the agency and housing sponsor, then units which become available for occupancy shall, subject to available subsidies be made available on a priority basis to very low income households until the number of units so occupied equals at least the number specified in the agreement. The agency may from time to time review agreements designating the allocation of units and, subject to agreement with the housing sponsor, may increase the number of units to be made available to very low income households if consistent with maintenance of the financial integrity of the housing development and continuance of permitted earnings distributions, or may establish minimum rents or minimum incomes for occupancy of units becoming vacant and not otherwise allocated to very low income households if necessary to the financial integrity of the housing development and continuance of permitted earnings distributions. 51230. Not less than 30 percent nor more than 40 percent of the units financed by the agency during each fiscal year for very low-income households shall be designed specifically for occupancy by elderly persons. The agency shall in each fiscal year, finance at least that number of rental units designed for occupancy and accessibility by persons with orthopedic disabilities necessary to make such units equal to the same percentage relationship to the total number of rental units as such persons comprise when compared to the total population of the state. The percentage shall only, however, relate to those persons qualified by income and the percentage relationship shall be verified according to submarket areas within the state. 51231. The agency shall assist housing sponsors in obtaining subsidies. In selecting housing to be given assistance under this division, the agency shall give priority to those which are able to obtain subsidies but cannot obtain alternative financing in order to utilize such subsidies. The agency shall make every effort to obtain subsidy funds and nothing in this division shall preclude the agency from meeting the eligibility requirements for obtaining federal housing subsidy allocations. 51232. To implement the purposes of this division, the agency shall develop or require housing sponsors to develop, pursuant to regulations of the agency, resident selection plans. Resident selection plans for housing developments financed by mortgage loans from the agency, which shall provide that preference be given to households displaced by a housing development, public action, or natural disaster. Such plans shall include criteria for resident selection, which shall establish income limits for residents, and may include a counseling program designed to promote the financial success of the housing development or the health, safety, and welfare of residents of the housing development. The agency may make participation in such a counseling program a condition or precondition of occupancy of a housing development. The agency may develop or require housing sponsors to develop, pursuant to regulations of the agency, resident selection plans for large urban revitalization programs which recognize a need to attract a full range of income groups for housing developments in central-city areas.