SECTION 4850-4858
4850. The district board may, by resolution, establish zones within the district, or amend the boundaries of an existing zone by annexing property to or by withdrawing property from such zone. 4851. The resolution declaring the intention to form a special zone shall describe the boundaries of the proposed zone, declare that the district board finds that the area within the proposed zone will be benfitted by the maintenance and operation of facilities within the zone and that the public interest and necessity demands its creation, and state the reasons therefor and the name of the proposed zone, and set the time and place for a public hearing on the question of the creation of the zone. 4852. The resolution declaring the intention to annex territory to an existing zone shall describe the boundaries of the proposed annexation, declare that the district board finds that the additional territory will be benefited by the maintenance and operation of facilities in the zone, and set the time and place for a public hearing on the question of the annexation. 4853. Notice of a hearing shall be given by publication at least once a week for two successive weeks, not more than 30 nor less than 10 days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation published within the county. 4854. Any interested person, at or before the hearing, may file with the district board a written objection to the creation of the zone or to the inclusion of his property in it. At the hearing the district board shall hear and pass upon all protests and objections. At the conclusion of the hearing, the district board may order that the zone shall be formed or the boundaries of an existing zone be amended, as described in the original resolution, or that any or all properties within such boundaries will not be benefited and shall be excluded. 4855. A copy of the resolution ordering the formation of the zone, or amending the boundaries of an existing zone, shall be filed in the office of the county assessor, and the county assessor shall thereafter, in making the assessment roll, segregate the property included within such zone on the assessment roll under the designation contained in the resolution. 4856. The district board shall thereafter in each year, prior to the time of fixing the county tax rate, furnish to the board of supervisors a written statement of the amount of tax revenue necessary to maintain and operate any work or improvements within the zone. 4857. The board of supervisors shall fix a special tax rate and levy a special assessment tax each year upon the real property in such zone, based upon the last equalized assessment roll of the county, sufficient to pay such expenses or the portion thereof which must be paid by the zone. 4858. Any special zone may be abolished or territory withdrawn therefrom by resolution of the district board, after hearing held in the manner provided for in this article for the original creation of the zone or annexations thereto, whenever the district board finds that the area proposed for abolition or withdrawal is no longer benefited by the maintenance and operation of facilities within the zone.