SECTION 13201-13203
13201. The minimum building standards for all drycleaning plants and processes in this state shall be the provisions published in the State Building Standards Code. The State Fire Marshal shall adopt regulations for protection against fire and panic safety in drycleaning plants and processes, other than building standards, reasonably consistent with the Uniform Fire Code, 1979 edition, and its referenced document, as published by the International Conference of Building Officials and the Western Fire Chiefs Association, Inc. The State Fire Marshal shall adopt building standards for such purposes, reasonably consistent with such model code, and submit such building standards for approval pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 18935) of Part 2.5 of Division 13 of this code. Any local agency may adopt more restrictive building standards and regulations relating to fire and panic safety in drycleaning plants. 13202. Facilities which are in existence on the effective date of this section need not mandatorily conform or be made to conform with the requirements of Section 13201 for new construction if in the opinion of the enforcing authority there is a reasonable degree of fire and life safety in such facilities. 13203. The division of authority for the enforcement of this chapter shall be as follows: (a) The chief of any city or county fire department or fire protection district and their authorized representatives in their respective areas on matters relating to fires and fire protection, and the State Fire Marshal outside of such areas. (b) The local building official on matters relating to building construction.