SECTION 125500-125545
125500. (a) Up to four regional dialysis centers with up to two in the northern and up to two in the southern part of the state, shall be established for the treatment of persons suffering from chronic uremia. Each center shall be located in a metropolitan area and shall have an affiliation with a large hospital or medical school, but shall not be necessarily a physical part of the institution. These institutions, however, shall be able to provide a full range of medical, surgical and rehabilitation services. The department shall only act as a granting agency for state funds that are appropriated for the establishment and the continuation of the four centers. The department, upon the advice of the review committee that is provided for by Section 125515, may contract with any hospital or medical care institution for the administration and operation of one of the regional dialysis centers. It is not the intent of this section that any new hospital or medical school be established. (b) Any moneys appropriated by Chapter 1416 of the Statutes of 1972 may be used either in existing dialysis and kidney transplantation programs for children or to establish new programs for such purposes. Any new or existing dialysis center funded pursuant to this subdivision shall provide for children the same center dialysis, home dialysis, and outpatient clinic services as are provided under Section 125530. Any new center funded pursuant to this subdivision shall be designated as a pediatric renal failure center. Funds granted for aid to children under this subdivision shall be based upon need as determined by the Renal Dialysis Review Committee established pursuant to Section 125515 and an evaluation by the department of a county's ability to fund their one-fourth share of a child's care under the Crippled Children's Services Program. The funds shall only cover costs not recoverable from direct or third party payments. A pediatric renal failure center may use funds provided under this subdivision for payment of costs for kidney transplantation services at any hospital that is authorized to perform these services by the department. For purposes of this subdivision, a child is any person 18 years of age or under. 125505. The dialysis centers shall be designed primarily to provide lifesaving dialysis services to approximately 30 patients in each center. Funds shall be provided for developing home dialysis treatment services for approximately 20 patients in each center and the necessary specialized personnel and equipment to operate each center. Funds for construction of the centers shall also be provided. The centers shall develop and utilize newer methods of dialysis designed to make the process more efficient and economical and shall take into account other applications of the procedure such as home dialysis. Centers may seek the active participation and consultation from industry in order to streamline equipment and procedures for greater efficiency. 125510. The dialysis centers shall also serve to provide training for medical and nursing personnel who will carry out dialysis services in other communities in the state. The dialysis centers may also work in close cooperation with other medical specialists who are seeking ways to develop successful means of kidney transplantation. Dialysis services are necessary as an adjunct to this type of medical investigation. 125515. The director shall appoint a review committee, upon nomination of the represented party, not to exceed nine members, at least four of whom shall be physicians, including at least one physician specializing in kidney transplantation and at least two physicians specializing in pediatric nephrology, one member to represent the University of California, one to represent a private organization or organizations concerned with kidney disease in California, one to represent the department, and two members to represent the lay public. The chairman of the committee shall be appointed by the Governor. This committee shall establish standards for the expenditure of state funds that are provided for the establishment and support of regional dialysis and transplantation centers to assure the availability of specialized personnel, resources, and equipment necessary to enable the centers to function and care for patients with severe uremia. The director shall choose from a list provided by the review committee the institutions that qualify under the standards established to receive grants of state funds to establish and continue a regional dialysis center. The review committee shall also examine periodically the performance of established regional dialysis centers and recommend continuation grants to the director. The members of the review committee shall serve for a two-year period and may be reappointed. Not more than half the membership of the committee shall be changed during any one year. The committee shall serve without compensation, but shall receive their necessary travel expenses. 125520. The dialysis centers may also receive and make use of any outside source of funds that may become available from federal, voluntary, philanthropic, or other sources in order to augment state funds. 125525. No resident of this state shall be denied treatment in any of the regional dialysis centers because of his or her place of residence, so long as he or she is able to transport himself to the center. 125530. The funds that are provided by the state shall only be expended for the construction and equipment of the regional dialysis centers; equipment for and development of, home dialysis services; training of personnel and other expenses incident to the activation of the regional centers; services of dialysis and directly associated procedures; and treatment of complications that may result from dialysis. These funds shall not be utilized to pay for general medical care services that should come from private, local, other state or federal sources. 125535. The department succeeds to and is vested with the duties, purposes, responsibilities, and jurisdiction heretofore exercised by the Department of Benefit Payments with respect to the payment of grants to and audit responsibility for regional dialysis centers under this chapter and for home dialysis training centers under Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 125550). 125540. The department shall have possession and control of all records, papers, equipment, and supplies held for the benefit or use of the Director of Benefit Payments in the performance of his or her duties, powers, purposes, responsibilities, and jurisdiction that are vested in the department by Section 125535. 125545. All officers and employees of the Director of Benefit Payments who, on July 1, 1978, are serving in the state civil service, other than as temporary employees, and engaged in the performance of a function vested in the department by Section 125535 shall be transferred to the department. The status, positions, and rights of those persons shall not be affected by the transfer and shall be retained by them as officers and employees of the department pursuant to the State Civil Service Act, except as to positions exempt from civil service.