SECTION 121775-121800
121775. As used in this chapter, "wild animal" refers to any animal of the class Aves (birds) or class Mammalia (mammals) that either is not normally domesticated in this state or not native to this state. 121780. As used in this chapter, "enforcement officer" means any officer, employee, or agent of the department, local health officer, or of any state or local agency with which an agreement has been made to enforce Article 3 (commencing with Section 121850), or local health officer. 121785. The department may enter into agreement with any state or local agency for the enforcement of Article 3 (commencing with Section 121850) of this chapter. 121790. The department shall publish from time to time a list of animals that may not be imported into this state except by permit from the department. Unless a permit is issued pursuant to this chapter, it is unlawful to import into this state any wild animal for which a permit is required by the department. 121795. The department may adopt regulations governing the entry, quarantine, or release from quarantine, of any and all wild animals imported into this state pursuant to this chapter. The regulations shall be designed to protect the public health against diseases known to occur in any such animals. 121800. The violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor.