SECTION 117510-117525
117510. As used in this article: (a) "Vessel" means every description of craft or other contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation in or on water. (b) "Navigable waters" means all public waters of the state in any river, stream, lake, reservoir, or other body of water, including all salt water bays, inlets, and estuaries within the jurisdiction of the state. 117515. No person shall place, deposit, or dump any human excreta in or upon the navigable waters of this state, that are within any marina, yacht harbor, fresh water lake, or fresh water impoundment, from any vessel tied to any dock, slip, or wharf that has toilet facilities available for the use of persons on the vessel. 117520. It is not the intent of the Legislature in enacting this article to preempt the field of pollution by vessels, and the provisions of this article do not prohibit the enactment or enforcement of any ordinance by any city, county, or district having the power to regulate pollution by vessels, that is stricter than the provisions of this article. 117525. Any violation of this article is a misdemeanor.