SECTION 116110-116112
116110. The department shall maintain a program of vector biology and control including, but not limited to, the following: (a) Providing consultation and assistance to local vector control agencies in developing and conducting programs for the prevention and control of vectors. (b) Surveillance of vectors and vector-borne diseases. (c) Coordinating and conducting emergency vector control, as required. (d) Training and certifying government agency vector control technicians. (e) Disseminating information to the public regarding protection from vectors and vector-borne diseases. 116111. The department may provide any necessary and proper assistance and support to the vector control programs of counties, cities, cities and counties, mosquito abatement and vector control districts, and pest abatement districts. 116112. The Vectorborne Disease Account is hereby established within the State Treasury. When appropriated by the Legislature, the funds deposited in the Vectorborne Disease Account shall be available for expenditure by the department to support activities for the prevention, surveillance, and control of vectorborne diseases and to support other activities that carry out the purposes of this part.