SECTION 116091-116095
116091. The Pupil Athletic Access and Safety Program pilot project is hereby established in the State Department of Education for the purpose of providing grants to private statewide nonprofit organizations in two regions to support a partnership to facilitate pupil participation and safety in high school interscholastic athletics that would primarily benefit low-income pupils. 116092. (a) One of the pilot projects shall be in southern California. (b) One of the pilot projects shall be in northern California. 116093. (a) A pilot project shall use grant funds for all of the following purposes: (1) To provide onsite nationally certified athletic trainers to participating schools. The project may provide a certified athletic trainer, or funds to help pay the costs associated with ensuring that there is an onsite athletic trainer, for at least 30 hours per week. Funds received pursuant to this section shall be used only to provide supplemental staff or services and shall not displace or reduce existing staff or services. Athletic trainers provided pursuant to this section shall not displace or reduce the hours or benefits available to any classified or certified employee who provides athletic training services for participating schools prior to the effective date of this section. A participating school that currently employs an athletic trainer shall coordinate the use of his or her services with the pilot project. (2) To provide appropriate medical supplies and other supplies necessary to prevent and care for sports-related injuries. (3) To provide in-service meetings for coaches and trainers, and to ensure that coaches and trainers receive first aid and CPR certification. (4) To provide mentoring opportunities for pupils interested in the medical and athletic training fields. (5) To provide community educational seminars for pupils, parents, trainers, coaches, and administrators on nutrition, the avoidance of drugs, and on injuries and prevention. (6) To inform pupils about the availability of low-cost health insurance, including Medi-Cal and the Healthy Families Program. (7) To provide strength training workshops for pupil-athletes and an off-season training program. (b) Health care providers, including athletic trainers who participate in the pilot project shall not refer pupils to their own practice, to the practice of the other health care providers participating in the pilot project, or to the practice of other health care providers in whose practice they have a financial interest. 116094. (a) The State Department of Education shall establish a competitive grant process for private, nonprofit organizations that are registered with the Secretary of State to submit a grant application for the development, administration, and implementation of the Pupil Athletic Access and Safety Program. (b) No later than May 1, 2002, the department, or its administering contracting entity, shall request and review proposals submitted by entities eligible for grants pursuant to this chapter. By June 1, 2002, the department, or its administering contracting entity, shall select a proposal for each of the two regions for receipt of a grant. The selected proposal shall meet the criteria set forth in this chapter and shall be selected on the basis of its ability to provide the best, most feasible service to the largest number of schools and pupils in the pilot area. (c) Proposals shall include all of the following: (1) A description of the program goals. (2) A list of measurable objectives for the purpose of evaluation by the department, or its administering contracting entity. (3) A list of public secondary schools selected for participation, and the criteria used for selection of those schools. (4) A list of professional participants with curriculum vitae and r