SECTION 115975-116020
115975. "Resort," as used in this article, means a resort, bathhouse, or other public place for the purpose of accommodating bathers, bordering upon or adjoining the seacoast or a lake where the public resort for the purpose of bathing in the open sea or lake. 115980. No person shall own or conduct a resort unless it is equipped with at least one lifeboat. 115985. The boat shall be fully equipped with oars, oarlocks, and not less than two life preservers, and two hundred feet of rope. It shall be kept in good repair and near the resort. 115990. The boat shall have the word "lifeboat" plainly printed or painted upon it. It shall be used for no purpose other than for the saving of life or for other cases of emergency. 115995. Every person who violates any provision of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than ten nor more than four hundred dollars ($400), or by imprisonment for not less than ten days nor more than six months, or by both. 116000. "Resort," as used in this article, means any public bathing or swimming place or resort on a river or stream. 116005. No person shall maintain a resort unless he or she carefully sounds the depth of water and locates the eddies and pools and determines the presence and nature of dangerous currents, sunken logs, rocks, and obstructions in the stream or river. 116010. No person shall maintain a resort unless signs indicating in plain letters the depth of water, the location of pools or eddies, and the presence and direction of currents of water are placed and maintained in the water during the season when bathing and swimming are permitted or invited. 116015. No person shall maintain a resort unless safety ropes are stretched wherever necessary to show the line of eddies, pools, sunken obstructions, and other hidden dangers to bathers in the water. 116020. Every person who violates any provision of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor.