SECTION 101315-101320
101315. (a) Federal funding received by the State Department of Health Services for bioterrorism preparedness and emergency response is subject to appropriation in the annual Budget Act or other statute, commencing with the 2003-04 fiscal year. (b) This article shall govern those instances when federal funding is allocated and expended for public health preparedness and response by local health jurisdictions, hospitals, clinics, emergency medical systems, and poison control centers for the prevention of, and response to, bioterrorist attacks and other public health emergencies pursuant to the federally approved collaborative state-local plan. (c) A local health jurisdiction shall be ineligible to receive funding from appropriations made for purposes of this article when that local health jurisdiction receives directly or through another local jurisdiction federal funding for the same purposes. Moneys appropriated for purposes of this article that would have been allocated to a local health jurisdiction that is ineligible, pursuant to this subdivision, to receive funding shall be allocated, as provided in Section 101317, among the remaining local health jurisdictions that are eligible. (d) Funds appropriated for the purposes of this article shall not be used to supplant funding for existing levels of service and shall only be used for purposes specified in Section 101317. (e) This article shall apply only when local health jurisdictions, hospitals, clinics, emergency medical systems, and poison control centers are designated by a federal or state agency to manage the funds for public health preparedness and response to bioterrorist attacks and other public health emergencies, pursuant to the federally approved collaborative state-local plan. 101315.2. Of the sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000) appropriated in the Budget Act of 2006 for local health jurisdictions for the purpose of preparing California for public health emergencies, including a potential pandemic influenza event, a baseline allocation of one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000) shall be provided to each local health jurisdiction first, with the remaining amount allocated on a per population basis using the population information possessed by the Department of Finance. 101317. (a) For purposes of this article, allocations shall be made to the administrative bodies of qualifying local health jurisdictions described as public health administrative organizations in Section 101185, and pursuant to Section 101315, in the following manner: (1) (A) For the 2003-04 fiscal year and subsequent fiscal years, to the administrative bodies of each local health jurisdiction, a basic allotment of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), subject to the availability of funds appropriated in the annual Budget Act or another act. (B) For the 2002-03 fiscal year, the basic allotment of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) shall be reduced by the amount of federal funding allocated as part of a basic allotment for the purposes of this article to local health jurisdictions in the 2001-02 fiscal year. (2) (A) Except as provided in subdivision (c), after determining the amount allowed for the basic allotment as provided in paragraph (1), the balance of the annual appropriation for purposes of this article, if any, shall be allotted on a per capita basis to the administrative bodies of each local health jurisdiction in the proportion that the population of that local health jurisdiction bears to the population of all eligible local health jurisdictions of the state. (B) The population estimates used for the calculation of the per capita allotment pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall be based on the Department of Finance's E-1 Report, "City/County Population Estimates with Annual Percentage Change," as of January 1 of the previous year. However, if within a local health jurisdiction there are one or more city health jurisdictions, the local health jurisdiction shall subtract the population of the city or cities from the local health jurisdiction total population for purposes of calculating the per capita total. (b) If the amounts appropriated are insufficient to fully fund the allocations specified in subdivision (a), the department shall prorate and adjust each local health jurisdiction's allocation so that the total amount allocated equals the amount appropriated. (c) For the 2002-03 fiscal year and subsequent fiscal years, where the federally approved collaborative state-local plan identifies an allocation method, other than the basic allotment and per capita method described in subdivision (a), for specific funding to a local public health jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, funding laboratory training, chemical and nuclear terrorism preparedness, smallpox preparedness, and information technology approaches, that funding shall be paid to the administrative bodies of those local health jurisdictions in accordance with the federally approved collaborative state-local plan for bioterrorism preparedness and other public health threats in the state. (d) Funds appropriated pursuant to the annual Budget Act or another act for allocation to local health jurisdictions pursuant to this article shall be disbursed quarterly to local health jurisdictions beginning July 1, 2002, using the following process: (1) Each fiscal year, upon the submission of an application for funding by the administrative body of a local health jurisdiction, the department shall make the first quarterly payment to each eligible local health jurisdiction. Initially, that application shall include a plan and budget for the local program that is in accordance with the department's plans and priorities for bioterrorism preparedness and response, and other public health threats and emergencies, and a certification by the chairperson of the board of supervisors or the mayor of a city with a local health department that the funds received pursuant to this article will not be used to supplant other funding sources in violation of subdivision (d) of Section 101315. In subsequent years, the department shall develop a streamlined process for continuation of funding that will address new federal requirements and will assure the continuity of local plan activities. (2) The department shall establish procedures and a format for the submission of the local health jurisdiction's plan and budget. The local health jurisdiction's plan shall be consistent with the department's plans and priorities for bioterrorism preparedness and response and other public health threats and emergencies in accordance with requirements specified in the department's federal grant award. Payments to local health jurisdictions beyond the first quarter shall be contingent upon the approval of the department of the local health jurisdiction's plan and the local health jurisdiction's progress in implementing the provisions of the local health jurisdiction's plan, as determined by the department. (3) If a local health jurisdiction does not apply or submits a noncompliant application for its allocation, those funds provided under this article may be redistributed according to subdivision (a) to the remaining local health jurisdictions. (e) Funds shall be used for activities to improve and enhance local health jurisdictions' preparedness for and response to bioterrorism and other public health threats and emergencies, and for other purposes, as determined by the department, that are consistent with the purposes for which the funds were appropriated. (f) A local health jurisdiction that receives funds pursuant to this article shall deposit them in a special local public health preparedness trust fund established solely for this purpose before transferring or expending the funds for any of the uses allowed pursuant to this article. The interest earned on moneys in the fund shall accrue to the benefit of the fund and shall be expended for the same purposes as other moneys in the fund. (g) (1) A local health jurisdiction that receives funding pursuant to this article shall submit reports that display cost data and the activities funded by moneys deposited in its local public health preparedness trust fund to the department on a regular basis in a form and according to procedures prescribed by the department. (2) The department, in consultation with local health jurisdictions, shall develop required content for the reports required under paragraph (1), which shall include, but shall not be limited to, data and information needed to implement this article and to satisfy federal reporting requirements. The chairperson of the board of supervisors or the mayor of a city with a local health department shall certify the accuracy of the reports and that the moneys appropriated for the purposes of this article have not been used to supplant other funding sources. (3) It is the intent of the Legislature that the department shall audit the cost reports every three years, commencing in January 2007, to determine compliance with federal requirements and consistency with local health jurisdiction budgets, contingent upon the availability of federal funds for this activity, and contingent upon the continuation of federal funding for emergency preparedness and bioterrorism preparedness. All cost-compliance reports and audit exceptions or related analyses or reports issued by the State Department of Public Health regarding the expenditure of funding for emergency and bioterrorism preparedness by local health jurisdictions shall be made available to the Legislature upon request. (h) The administrative body of a local health jurisdiction may enter into a contract with the department and the department may enter into a contract with that local health jurisdiction for the department to administer all or a portion of the moneys allocated to the local health jurisdiction pursuant to this article. The department may use funds retained on behalf of a local health jurisdiction pursuant to this subdivision solely for purposes of administering the jurisdiction's bioterrorism preparedness activities. The funds appropriated pursuant to this article and retained by the department pursuant to this subdivision are available for expenditure and encumbrance for purposes of support or local assistance. (i) The department may recoup from a local health jurisdiction moneys allocated pursuant to this article that are unspent or that are not expended for purposes specified in subdivision (d). The department may also recoup funds expended by a local health jurisdiction in violation of subdivision (d) of Section 101315. The department may withhold quarterly payments of moneys to a local health jurisdiction if the local health jurisdiction is not in compliance with this article or the terms of that local health jurisdiction's plan as approved by the department. Before any funds are recouped or withheld from a local health jurisdiction, the department shall meet with local health officials to discuss the status of the unspent moneys or the disputed use of the funds, or both. (j) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, moneys made available for bioterrorism preparedness pursuant to this article in the 2001-02 fiscal year shall be available for expenditure and encumbrance until June 30, 2003. Moneys made available for bioterrorism preparedness pursuant to this article from July 1, 2002, to August 30, 2003, inclusive, shall be available for expenditure and encumbrance until August 30, 2004. Moneys made available in the 2003-04 Budget Act for bioterrorism preparedness shall be available for expenditure and encumbrance until August 30, 2005. 101317.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, moneys made available in the 2004-05 Budget Act for bioterrorism preparedness shall be available for expenditure and encumbrance until August 30, 2006. 101318. (a) Federal funding received pursuant to the 2009 Supplemental Appropriations Act (Public Law 111-32) for pandemic influenza for purposes of state and local public health and emergency response infrastructure, including, but not limited to, epidemiology, communicable disease response, workforce, laboratory capacity, public communications, and community mitigation guidance and planning, shall be subject to appropriation by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act or other statute for allocation by the department in accordance with this article. (b) This section shall govern federal funding provided by the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Cooperative Agreement and the Public Health Emergency Response Cooperative Agreement for the state and local health jurisdictions. (c) The proportion of funds allocated to support local health jurisdiction activities shall be at least the proportion stipulated in the 2008-09 federally approved state applications for the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Cooperative Agreement unless stipulated otherwise by federal law or guidance, or unless the department, in consultation with the California Conference of Local Health Officers and the County Health Executives Association of California, submits an application that specifies a different funding allocation. (d) The department may establish a minimum allocation of less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to local health jurisdictions, if the department consults with the California Conference of Local Health Officers and the County Health Executives Association of California. 101319. Due to the need to rapidly implement, and to provide local health jurisdictions, hospitals, clinics, emergency medical systems, and poison control centers with timely funding for the purposes of, this article, funds appropriated in the annual Budget Act or some other act for purposes of this article for the 2002-03 fiscal year and subsequent fiscal years shall be allocated through the use of agreements, which shall not be subject to Part 2 (commencing with Section 10100) of Division 2 of the Public Contract Code. 101320. This article shall become inoperative on September 1, 2012, and, as of January 1, 2013, is repealed, unless a later enacted statute that is enacted before January 1, 2013, deletes or extends the dates on which it becomes inoperative and is repealed.