SECTION 6960-6963
6960. All claims for money or damages against the district are governed by Part 3 (commencing with Section 900) and Part 4 (commencing with Section 940) of Division 3.6 of Title 1 of the Government Code except as provided therein, or by other statutes or regulations expressly applicable thereto. All claims not governed thereby shall be filed with the auditor on forms and blanks prescribed by him. A claim shall not be paid without the endorsement of the auditor certifying to its correctness. The auditor shall keep a record, which shall be a public one, of all claims against the district showing by whom made, for what purpose, the amount thereof and when paid. 6961. If there is not sufficient money in any fund to pay the claims made against the fund, the claim shall be registered in a book kept by the treasurer, showing its number, when presented, date, amount, name of payee, and on what account allowed and out of what fund payable. When so registered, the claim shall be returned to the party presenting it with the endorsement of the word "Registered" dated and signed by the treasurer. All registered claims are payable in the order of their registration. This section does not prevent the payment by the treasurer of bonds of the district or of any city or county, and interest coupons thereof, in accordance with the Constitution of this State and the provisions of this part. 6962. Wages and salaries shall be paid at such intervals as the board may direct, but at least once each month. 6963. The provisions of Chapter I, Division II of the District Organization Act relating to notices shall govern and control this part.