SECTION 1160-1168
1160. There is hereby established a San Francisco Bar Pilot Pension Plan which is continued in existence as the San Francisco Pilot Pension Plan. 1161. All amounts generated by the pension plan shall be used solely to pay pensions to retired pilots and inland pilots, disabled pilots and inland pilots, the surviving spouses of pilots and inland pilots, and to pay the expenses of the plan. 1162. (a) The pension plan shall be administered and all benefit payments shall be made by one or more fiduciary agents selected by the board. Except for the collection of revenues in accordance with Section 1165 and the pilots serving as members of the board, and unless otherwise directed by the board, the pilots shall have no control of any kind or manner over the operation, administration, or management of the plan. (b) All revenues pursuant to the plan shall be collected by the pilots, at no cost to the state or board, and transmitted monthly to the fiduciary agent or agents. The revenues shall not be included in the account required by Section 1136. 1163. (a) (1) (A) Each retired pilot and inland pilot, who has completed 25 full years of service as a pilot or inland pilot, or both, shall receive, as a target monthly pension, an amount that is initially equal to 46 percent of an amount that is an average of the highest three of the last five years of audited annual average net income per pilot, prior to the pilot's or inland pilot's retirement, divided by 12, which initial target monthly pension amount shall be subject to periodic adjustment pursuant to Section 1167. Pilots or inland pilots with other than 25 full years of service as a pilot or inland pilot, or both, shall receive a monthly pension in an amount that is determined by multiplying the above calculated target monthly pension by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of full years of service that the pilot or inland pilot has rendered and the denominator of which shall be 25 years, which initial monthly pension amount shall be subject to periodic adjustment pursuant to Section 1167. (B) Each disabled pilot or inland pilot shall receive as an initial target monthly pension an amount that is based on 46 percent of the greater of the following, which amount shall be subject to periodic adjustment pursuant to Section 1167: (i) An amount that is the average of the highest three of the last five years of audited annual average net income per pilot divided by 12 and multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of full years of service that the pilot or inland pilot has rendered and the denominator of which shall be 25 years. (ii) The audited annual average net income per pilot, for the last year prior to the pilot's or inland pilot's disability, divided by 12 and multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of full years of service that the pilot or inland pilot has rendered and the denominator of which shall be 25 years. (C) Each pilot who retired before January 1, 1985, shall receive as an initial target monthly pension an amount that is one hundred seventy-eight dollars ($178) multiplied by the number of full years of service he or she performed as a pilot licensed under this division, which amount shall be subject to periodic adjustment pursuant to Section 1167. (D) Each pilot who retired on or after January 1, 1985, or each inland pilot who retired after January 1, 1993, shall receive as an initial target monthly pension an amount that is the greater of the following, which amount shall be subject to periodic adjustment pursuant to Section 1167: (i) An amount that is calculated by multiplying one hundred seventy-eight dollars ($178) by the number of full years of service the pilot or inland pilot performed as a pilot or inland pilot licensed under this division. (ii) An amount that is 46 percent of the average of the highest three of the last five years of audited annual average net income per pilot, prior to the pilot's or inland pilot's retirement, divided by 12 and multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the pilot' s or inland pilot's actual number of full years of service and the denominator of which is 25 years. (2) A pilot or inland pilot who retires or becomes disabled shall not begin to receive a pension until the beginning of the benefit payment period next following the date on which the pilot or inland pilot retires or becomes disabled. (3) A pilot or inland pilot shall not receive any benefits pursuant to the pension plan in any benefit payment period unless the pilot's or inland pilot's resignation as an active pilot or inland pilot specifying a proposed date of retirement was submitted, in writing, to the board, prior to November if the pilot's or inland pilot's retirement is to be effective the first day of the following January, prior to February if the pilot's or inland pilot's retirement is to be effective the first day of the following April, prior to May if the pilot's or inland pilot's retirement is to be effective the first day of the following July, or prior to August if the pilot's or inland pilot's retirement is to be effective the first day of the following October. The pilot's or inland pilot's resignation as an active pilot or inland pilot shall become effective on either January 1, April 1, July 1, or October 1, as specified in the written resignation. (4) If a retired or disabled pilot or inland pilot who is receiving a pension dies without a surviving spouse, the pilot's or inland pilot's successor in interest shall receive the monthly pension for the remainder of the benefit payment period within which the death occurs, after which time the monthly pension shall cease. (b) (1) The surviving spouse of a deceased pilot who is eligible for a pension pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (e) of Section 1164 and the surviving spouse of a deceased inland pilot who is eligible for a pension pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) of Section 1164 shall each receive, as a monthly pension, three-fourths of the amount that the deceased pilot or inland pilot would have received as a monthly pension pursuant to this section had the pilot or inland pilot lived, calculated as if the deceased pilot or inland pilot had been disabled pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a). (2) If a retired or disabled pilot or inland pilot who was receiving a pension dies, the surviving spouse shall continue to receive the full amount of the monthly pension to which the deceased pilot or inland pilot was entitled for the balance of the benefit payment period within which the death occurs, after which the surviving spouse shall receive the amount specified in paragraph (1). (3) If a surviving spouse receiving a pension dies, the surviving spouse's successor in interest shall receive the monthly pension for the remainder of the benefit payment period within which the death occurs, after which time the monthly pension shall cease. (c) For the purpose of the computations described in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a), six months or more of service by a pilot or inland pilot shall be considered a full year. (d) Except as provided otherwise in this section and paragraph (4) of subdivision (e) of Section 1164, monthly pension amounts payable pursuant to this section to retired pilots and inland pilots and to their surviving spouses are payable for the life of that retired pilot, inland pilot, or spouse. (e) To determine an inland pilot's full years of service under this chapter, any periods of service that an inland pilot has performed as a pilot shall be added to any service time performed as an inland pilot after January 1, 1987. (f) In calculating the benefits of a retired or disabled pilot who was issued an original pilot's license in 1985 and who was not thereafter issued an inland pilot's license, or in calculating the benefits of the widow of such a pilot who is deceased, the number of years of service used in the calculation shall be the greater of the following: (1) The actual number of full years of service the pilot has rendered. (2) Ten years. 1164. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), a pilot shall be eligible for the pension provided in Section 1163 if the pilot meets all of the following requirements: (1) Held a license as a pilot and served at least 10 years in that capacity or has attained 62 years of age, whichever occurs first. (2) Retired after January 1, 1972. (3) Is at least 60 years of age. (b) A disabled pilot shall be eligible for the pension provided in Section 1163 if it has been determined by the board, based upon competent medical evidence, that the pilot is unable to perform the duties of a pilot. As used in this chapter, "disabled" means a disability of permanent or extended and uncertain duration, as determined by the board, on the basis of competent medical opinion. (c) Except as provided in subdivision (d), an inland pilot shall be eligible for the pension provided in Section 1163 if the inland pilot meets all of the following requirements: (1) Held a license as an inland pilot and served at least 10 years in that capacity after January 1, 1987, or has attained 62 years of age, whichever occurs first. (2) Retired after January 1, 1987. (3) Is at least 60 years of age. (4) Since January 1, 1987, has held himself or herself out as providing pilotage assistance to the entire shipping industry consistent with the inland pilot's license. (5) For services provided after January 1, 1994, performs a minimum of 75 assignments per calendar year unless excused from performance of that requirement due to medical needs satisfactory to the board. (d) A disabled inland pilot who meets the requirements of paragraph (4) of subdivision (c) shall be eligible for the pension provided in Section 1163 if it has been determined by the board, based upon competent medical evidence, that the inland pilot is unable to perform the duties of an inland pilot. (e) (1) A surviving spouse of a deceased pilot shall be eligible for the pension provided in subdivision (b) of Section 1163 if that deceased pilot died after January 1, 1972, and that deceased pilot had held a license as a pilot. (2) A surviving spouse of a deceased inland pilot shall be eligible for the pension provided in subdivision (b) of Section 1163 if the deceased inland pilot died after January 1, 1987, had held a license as an inland pilot, and since January 1, 1987, had held himself or herself out as providing pilotage assistance to the entire shipping industry consistent with the inland pilot's license. (3) In order for a surviving spouse to be eligible for any pension benefits pursuant to this chapter, the surviving spouse shall have been legally married to the deceased pilot or inland pilot for at least one year prior to the deceased pilot's or inland pilot's death. (4) A surviving spouse of a deceased pilot or inland pilot shall neither be eligible for, nor receive, pension benefits pursuant to this chapter if the surviving spouse remarries. If a surviving spouse who is receiving a monthly pension under this chapter remarries, the surviving spouse's successor in interest shall receive the amount of the monthly pension for the remainder of the benefit payment period as if the surviving spouse had died, in accordance with paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 1163. 1165. (a) In addition to, and concurrently with, the basic pilotage rate described in Section 1190, a charge shall be levied for pilotage services at a rate necessary to provide the benefits to be paid out pursuant to the pension plan. The additional rate shall be determined as follows: (1) On March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1 of each year, the number of persons eligible to receive benefits under the plan, their identities, the calculated amount each shall be entitled to receive, and the total amount to be paid out to all of those persons during each month of the next three-month period shall be determined by the fiduciary agent or agents. (2) After the total amount to be paid out monthly under the plan has been determined, the rate necessary to provide that amount each month shall be calculated by the fiduciary agent or agents. The rate shall be based upon the volume of shipping, in gross registered tons, handled by pilots licensed under this division for the 12-month periods ending the previous September 30 for benefit periods commencing the following January 1, ending the previous December 31 for benefit periods commencing the following April 1, ending the previous March 31 for benefit periods commencing the following July 1, and ending the previous June 30 for benefit periods commencing the following October 1, respectively. The rate shall be expressed as mills per gross registered ton and shall be calculated to the nearest one-hundredth of a mill. (3) The estimated cost of the services of the fiduciary agent or agents to administer the pension plan shall be calculated by the fiduciary agent or agents for the benefit periods described in paragraph (2), shall be expressed as mills per gross registered ton, and shall be calculated to the nearest one-hundredth of a mill. (b) The rate determined pursuant to paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subdivision (a) shall become effective on January 1 of the following year with respect to the September 30 calculations, on April 1 of the following year with respect to the December 31 calculations, on July 1 of that year with respect to the March 31 calculations, and on October 1 of that year with respect to the June 30 calculations. The rates shall be in effect for the succeeding benefit payment period. 1166. (a) The benefits actually paid out each month by the fiduciary agent or agents designated by the board to all retired and disabled pilots and inland pilots, to surviving spouses of deceased pilots and inland pilots, and to successors in interest shall be equal to the revenue received pursuant to Section 1165 during the preceding month less the expenses of the fiduciary agent or agents incurred during that month. The revenue, whether greater or less than the amount used in determining the tonnage rates under this chapter to provide the aggregate target pensions to which those persons are entitled according to Section 1163, shall be paid to each of them in proportion to the relative target amounts to which they are entitled, after payment of the expenses of the fiduciary agent or agents. (b) Revenues for any month or year are the amounts to be received pursuant to the pension plan for pilotage during that month or year. The fiduciary agent or agents shall determine which accounting system shall be used to make the payment, provided that, if the accrual method is used, it shall be subject to later equitable adjustments for unpaid receivables. (c) Benefits pursuant to the new rate calculations shall be paid commencing in February, May, August, and November of each year and shall continue through, and include, the next following April, July, October, and January, respectively, so that each benefit pension period equals three months of payments. The period during which benefits are paid is the benefit payment period. 1167. (a) The board shall review the benefits received by retired or disabled pilots and inland pilots and their surviving spouses every three years or when the cumulative percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (San Francisco Bay Area) has exceeded 12 percent, whichever occurs first. (b) The board may increase the monthly pensions specified in Section 1163. Those increases shall take into consideration the maritime industry practice in the United States as brought to the attention of the board by the pilots, inland pilots, or the industry. The increase shall not exceed 50 percent of the cumulative increase in the Consumer Price Index (San Francisco Bay Area). Monthly pensions for retired pilots, inland pilots, or their surviving spouses who have been retired less than the full three-year interval between adjustments shall increase on a pro rata basis according to the number of months that those persons have been retired prior to that adjustment. 1168. The board may review the pension plan and make any recommendations it deems necessary for changes in the plan. Monthly pensions shall not be adjusted except as provided by Section 1167.