SECTION 93200-93203
93200. A joint powers authority may be established, on or before June 1, 1996, to facilitate, and generate funding from any available local, state, federal, or private resources for the reactivation of the San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway Project. The authority shall include at least two of the following entities: (a) The County of San Diego. (b) The City of San Diego. (c) The City of National City. (d) The City of Chula Vista. (e) The City of Imperial Beach. (f) The San Diego Unified Port District. (g) The San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board. 93201. The administration of the authority shall be funded by the resources of the entities that comprise the authority. 93202. An authority established pursuant to Section 93200 shall submit a report to the Legislature not later than January 1, 1997, describing its activities and making recommendations, if any, for needed legislation. 93203. This title is repealed on January 1, 1997, unless the joint powers authority described in Section 93200 is in existence on June 1, 1996.