
SECTION 86201-86206

86201.  "Gift" as used in this article means a gift made directly or
indirectly to any state candidate, elected state officer, or
legislative official, or to an agency official of any agency required
to be listed on the registration statement of the lobbying firm or
the lobbyist employer of the lobbyist.

86203.  It shall be unlawful for a lobbyist, or lobbying firm, to
make gifts to one person aggregating more than ten dollars ($10) in a
calendar month, or to act as an agent or intermediary in the making
of any gift, or to arrange for the making of any gift by any other

86204.  It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to receive any
gift which is made unlawful by Section 86203.

86205.  No lobbyist or lobbying firm shall:
   (a) Do anything with the purpose of placing any elected state
officer, legislative official, agency official, or state candidate
under personal obligation to the lobbyist, the lobbying firm, or the
lobbyist's or the firm's employer.
   (b) Deceive or attempt to deceive any elected state officer,
legislative official, agency official, or state candidate with regard
to any material fact pertinent to any pending or proposed
legislative or administrative action.
   (c) Cause or influence the introduction of any bill or amendment
thereto for the purpose of thereafter being employed to secure its
passage or defeat.
   (d) Attempt to create a fictitious appearance of public favor or
disfavor of any proposed legislative or administrative action or to
cause any communication to be sent to any elected state officer,
legislative official, agency official, or state candidate in the name
of any fictitious person or in the name of any real person, except
with the consent of such real person.
   (e) Represent falsely, either directly or indirectly, that the
lobbyist or the lobbying firm can control the official action of any
elected state officer, legislative official, or agency official.
   (f) Accept or agree to accept any payment in any way contingent
upon the defeat, enactment, or outcome of any proposed legislative or
administrative action.

86206.  Nothing in this article prohibits the payment of fees for
contractual services provided to an investment manager by a placement
agent, as defined in Section 82047.3, who is registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission and regulated by the Financial
Industry Regulatory Authority, except as provided in subdivision (f)
of Section 86205.