SECTION 77600-77606
77600. The Task Force on Trial Court Employees shall be established pursuant to this article on or before January 1, 1998, and is charged with recommending an appropriate system of employment and governance for trial court employees. 77601. The task force shall be comprised of the following members: (a) Four representatives of trial courts, appointed by the Chief Justice, representing two urban, one suburban, and one rural courts. (b) Four representatives of counties, appointed by the Governor from a list of nominees submitted by the California State Association of Counties, representing urban, suburban, and rural counties. (c) Three representatives appointed by the Senate Rules Committee, at least two of whom shall represent trial court employee organizations. (d) Three representatives appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly, at least two of whom shall represent trial court employee organizations. (e) The Director of the Department of Personnel Administration or his or her representative. (f) The Chief Executive Officer of PERS or his or her representative. (g) The Director of Finance or his or her representative. (h) The Chief Justice shall designate a justice of the court of appeal as nonvoting chairperson. 77602. The Judicial Council shall provide staff support for the task force and shall develop guidelines for procedures and practices for the task force, which shall include input from and approval of the task force. The Department of Personnel Administration, the Department of Finance, and the Legislative Analyst shall provide additional support, at the request of the Judicial Council. The California State Association of Counties is encouraged to provide additional staff support. 77603. The duties of the task force shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) Complete a survey of all trial courts regarding court employee status, classification, and salary. (b) Document the local retirement systems in which trial court employees are members and the terms of the systems, and identify future retirement options. (c) Determine the costs associated with a change in retirement benefits for court employees, including the cost to counties resulting from such change, including, but not limited to, the impact of such a change on pension obligation bonds, unfunded liabilities, and changes in actuarial assumptions. (d) Document existing contractual agreements and the terms and conditions of employment, and document exclusive bargaining agents representing court employees by court, county, and unit. (e) Document existing constitutional, statutory, and other provisions relating to classification, compensation, and benefits of court employees. (f) Identify functions relating to trial courts that are provided by county employees. (g) Examine and outline issues relating to the establishment of a local personnel structure for trial court employees under (1) court employment, (2) county employment, with the concurrence of the county and the courts in the county (3) state employment with the concurrence of the state and the courts in the county, or (4) other options identified by the task force. The task force, in recommending options for employee status, shall consider the complexity of the interests of employees and various governmental entities. Their recommendations shall, to the greatest extent possible, recognize the need for achieving the concurrence of the affected parties. In outlining these issues, consideration shall be given to contractual obligations, minimizing disruption of the trial court work force, and protecting the rights accrued by employees under their current systems. (h) Prepare a method for submitting the issue of employment status to an advisory vote of trial court employees in each county. (i) Recommend a personnel structure for trial court employees. 77604. (a) The task force shall be appointed by October 1, 1997. (b) The task force shall meet and establish its operating procedures on or before January 1, 1998. 77605. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to enact a personnel system, that shall take effect on or before January 1, 2001, for employment of trial court employees. The personnel system shall have uniform statewide applicability and promote organizational and operational flexibility in accordance with Section 77001. (b) Nothing in this chapter is intended to prejudge or compel a finding by the task force that court or county or state employment is preferred. (c) No provision of this article is intended to reduce judicial or court employee salary or benefits. (d) No provision of this chapter shall be deemed to affect the current employment status of, or reduce benefits for, any peace officer involved in court operations. 77606. The recommendations of the task force shall take effect only upon subsequent action of the Legislature.