SECTION 7105-7118
7105. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Local Agency Military Base Recovery Area Act. 7106. The Legislature finds and declares that the health, safety, and welfare of the people of California depend upon the development, stability, and expansion of private business, industry, and commerce, and that there are certain areas within the state that have been and will be severely economically impacted because of the closure of military bases by the Department of Defense. The Legislature further finds and declares that while it is necessary for the Department of Defense to close military bases in California because of the cuts in Department of Defense funding, military bases have historically been crucial to the State of California and its local economies and that their closure creates an economic emergency for many communities. The Legislature further finds and declares that more than 147,700 California military and civilian personnel have lost their jobs as a result of the military base closures and another 180,000 are at stake in the next round of base closures, and that because of military base closures statewide more than thirteen billion dollars ($13,000,000,000) of revenues have been lost by the state and localities since 1988. The Legislature further finds and declares that many communities want and need to attract new business and private investment to compensate for the loss of revenue that occurs when a military base closes or downsizes, but that many communities have insufficient means to do so. The Legislature further finds and declares that many military bases have significant soil contamination and hazardous waste cleanup problems that must be addressed in any reuse plan. In order to encourage the safe and beneficial use of this land, it is important that these problems be addressed in a safe and cost-effective manner. Therefore, it is intended that this law shall encourage the development of adequate treatment capacity for hazardous waste generated at military bases. In addition, special consideration shall be given to reuse plans incorporating the development of commercial offsite facilities, as part of the reuse plan to address California's treatment capacity shortfall. Therefore, it is the purpose of this act to stimulate business and industrial growth in those areas that are experiencing military base closures by relaxing regulatory controls and thereby encouraging private investment, cooperation, and innovation between local government and private business and industry. The Legislature further finds and declares that nothing in this chapter shall be construed to infringe upon regulations relating to civil rights, equal employment rights, equal opportunity rights, or fair housing rights of any person. The Legislature further finds and declares that no local agency military base recovery area shall be designated in which any boundary thereof is drawn in a manner as to include any area outside former base property or outside base property of a base that is scheduled to be closed. 7107. For purposes of this chapter: (a) "Department" means the Department of Housing and Community Development. (b) "Base" means a federal military installation or subinstallation as defined by regulations of the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and other defense activities. (c) "Critically needed hazardous waste facilities" means a facility that will provide necessary offsite treatment capacity for which there is a substantial shortfall or lack of capacity. This shortfall shall be as identified in any of the following documents: (1) The State Hazardous Waste Management Plan. (2) The State's Capacity Assurance Plan required by federal law. (3) Other reports of the Department of Toxic Substances Control. (d) "Downsizing" means a significant reduction in federal funding, personnel, and equipment on a base. (e) "Economic development plan" includes, but is not limited to, a marketing plan, a job development plan, and an analysis of infrastructure. (f) "Eligible area" means a geographic area meeting the criteria described in Section 7111. (g) "Governing body" means a city, county, city and county, joint powers agency, council, or board, as appropriate. (h) "Local agency military base recovery area" (LAMBRA) means any military base or former military base or portion thereof which is designated in accordance with the provisions of Section 7114. (i) "Region One" includes the following counties: Del Norte, Siskiyou, Modoc, Humboldt, Trinity, Shasta, Lassen, Mendocino, Tehama, Glenn, Butte, Plumas, Marin, Napa, Sonoma, Lake, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Nevada, Sierra, Placer, Yolo, Solano, Sacramento, El Dorado, and Amador. (j) "Region Two" includes the following counties: Contra Costa, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Alameda, and San Mateo. (k) "Region Three" includes the following counties: Monterey, San Benito, San Joaquin, Merced, Fresno, Stanislaus, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Tuolumne, Calaveras, Alpine, Mono, Inyo, and Tulare. (l) "Region Four" includes the following counties: San Diego, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Imperial. (m) "Region Five" includes the following counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Kern. (n) "Reuse plan" includes, but is not limited to, an evaluation of community goals for the future as they relate to potential use of the former military facilities and land areas, market studies or surveys to evaluate the regional economic setting, trends, and pressures affecting base reuse, surveys or inventories of on-base facilities to determine their condition, quality and reuse potential and liability, development of reuse alternatives responding to market conditions, community goals, and reuse of potential of existing assets, review of alternative strategies with the community at large and consensus building of a preferred development strategy. 7110. (a) The governing body may, either by ordinance or resolution, propose an eligible area within its respective jurisdiction as the geographic area for a local agency military base recovery area. A county may propose an area within the unincorporated area as the geographic area for a local agency military base recovery area, but shall not propose an area within an incorporated area. A city may propose an area within the incorporated area as the geographic area for a local agency military base recovery area, but may not propose an area within an unincorporated area. A city and county may propose an area within the city and county for designation as a local agency military base recovery area. This proposed geographic area shall be based upon findings by the governing body that the area meets the criteria in Section 7111 and that the designation as a local agency military base recovery area is necessary in order to assist in attracting private sector investment in the area. The governing body shall establish definitive boundaries, not to exceed former base property, for the area to be included in the application for designation and, if designated by the department, the designation shall be binding for the period described in Section 7110.5. (b) Following the application for designation of a local agency military base recovery area, the governing body shall apply to the department for designation. The department shall adopt regulations and guidelines concerning the necessary contents of each application for designation. (c) Any governing body with an eligible area within its jurisdiction may complete a preliminary application. (d) In designating a local agency military base recovery area, the department shall select from the applications submitted those proposed local agency military base recovery areas which, based on a comparison of those applications, propose the most effective, innovative, and comprehensive regulatory, tax, program, and other incentives to attract private sector investment in the proposed local agency military base recovery area. For purposes of this subdivision, the following terms have the following meanings: (1) "Regulatory incentives" includes, but is not limited to, the elimination or reduction of fees for applications, permits, and local government facilities and services; and the establishment of a streamlined permit process. (2) "Tax incentives" includes, but is not limited to, the elimination or reduction of business license taxes and utility user taxes. (3) "Program" and "other incentives" may include, but are not limited to, the provision or expansion of infrastructure; the targeting of federal block grant moneys, including small cities, education, and health and welfare block grants; the targeting of economic development grants and loan moneys, including grant and loan moneys provided by the federal Urban Development Action Grant program and the federal Economic Development Administration; the targeting of state and federal job disadvantaged and vocational education grant moneys, including moneys provided by the federal Job Partnership Training Act of 1982; the targeting of federal or state transportation grant moneys; and the targeting of federal or state low-income housing and rental assistance moneys. (e) The department shall also consider the following: (1) The unemployment rate for the area under the jurisdiction of the local governing body. (2) The number of civilian and military jobs lost as a result of the base closure when compared to the number of jobs available in the area. (3) Whether the local agency has a comprehensive economic development plan that is consistent with the reuse plan. (4) Whether the local agency has a prepared plan for appropriate hazardous waste management facilities as an integral part of the base and shall give extra consideration for any plan that includes provisions for critically needed hazardous waste facilities. (5) Whether the governing body has resolved, as part of the reuse plan approval, to prepare a program environmental impact report that is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Control Act and associated guidelines. (f) In evaluating applications for designation, the department shall ensure that applications are not disqualified solely because of technical deficiencies and shall provide applicants with an opportunity to correct the deficiencies. Applications shall be disqualified if the deficiencies are not corrected within two weeks. The department shall provide technical assistance to applicants that request it. 7110.5. A designation of a local agency military base recovery area pursuant to Section 7110 shall be for an eight-year period, that shall expire eight years after the department has determined that the later of the following conditions has been met: (a) The governing body has notified the department that legal title to the economic development parcels at the former base has been transferred to the governing body and, in cases in which early transfer authority has been exercised, the terms and conditions necessary for satisfying the requirements of Section 9601 and following of Title 42 of the United States Code are met and regulatory closure has occurred. (b) The governing body has notified the department that vouchers have been issued to an employer that has entered into a lease or received title to property located within the local agency military base recovery area. 7111. (a) An eligible area is a military base or former military base which, based upon the determination of the department, fulfills the following: (1) The base is scheduled for closure or downsizing by a base closure act. (2) The governing body has approved a reuse plan for the base. (b) A base is ineligible if any portion of the base is included in an enterprise zone established pursuant to Chapter 12.8 (commencing with Section 7070) or an area established pursuant to Chapter 12.9 (commencing with Section 7080). 7112. All property which is owned by or leased to the state or governing body within the boundaries of the closed military base or the military base that is proposed to be closed which is not in current use by that government and which is not necessary for a public purpose of the state or governing body owning the property may be leased or subleased to a qualified business at a price below fair market value, provided that it serves a public purpose to lease at below fair market value. The lease may be renewed upon expiration if the governing body has continuously complied with these requirements. 7113. (a) Upon filing a preliminary application, the applicant, as lead agency, shall submit an initial study and a notice of preparation to the department, the state clearinghouse, all responsible agencies, and any public agency that has jurisdiction by law with respect to the project. (b) A governing body selected by the department as a final applicant shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, an environmental impact report pursuant to Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code for any and all projects planned within the local agency military base recovery area. Whenever a project requires compliance with both the California Environmental Quality Act and the National Environmental Policy Act, the lead agency shall, to the greatest extent feasible, prepare a joint environmental impact report and environmental impact statement. The draft environmental impact report shall be submitted to the department with the final application. (c) Prior to final designation by the department, the applicant shall complete and certify the final environmental impact report and act on the project. 7113.5. When selecting successful applicants for a local agency military base recovery area, the department shall limit the number of local agency military base recovery areas to eight, which shall be awarded by the following criteria, in addition to the criteria set forth in Section 7111: (a) The department shall designate at least one local agency military base recovery area in each region. (b) If the department finds that none of the applications in a competition is satisfactory in meeting the selection criteria, the department shall inform all applicants on the deficiencies in their application and shall reopen competition for a period not to exceed six months. Local governing bodies who originally applied may reapply in the new competition. (c) If, after following the procedures specified in subdivision (b), the department determines that no applications are satisfactory, the department may not designate a local agency military base recovery area. (d) Eligible bases shall compete for approval of a local agency military base recovery area against other eligible bases. In any event, not less than one area shall be designated from each region. 7114. (a) The department shall design, develop, and make available the applications and the criteria for selection of a local agency military base recovery area, and shall adopt all regulations necessary to carry out this chapter. (b) The applications, selection criteria, and all necessary regulations for designation shall be adopted by the department and made available not later than 120 days following the effective date of this chapter. (c) The department shall adopt regulations concerning the designation procedures and application process as emergency regulations in accordance with Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2. For the purpose of that chapter, the adoption of the regulations shall be deemed to be an emergency and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, or general welfare, notwithstanding subdivision (f) of Section 11346.1. Notwithstanding subdivision (e) of Section 11346.1, the regulations shall not remain in effect more than 180 days unless the department complies with all provisions of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 as required by subdivision (e) of Section 11346.1. 7114.2. (a) The department shall assess each LAMBRA a fee of fifteen dollars ($15) for each application for issuance of a certificate pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 17053.46 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and subdivision (c) of Section 23646 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. The department shall collect the fee for deposit into the Enterprise Zone Fund, pursuant to Section 7072.3, for the costs of administering this chapter. The LAMBRA administrator shall collect this fee at the time an application is submitted for issuance of a certificate. (b) The department shall adopt regulations governing the imposition and collection of fees pursuant to this section and the issuance of certificates pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 17053.46 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and subdivision (c) of Section 23646 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. The regulations shall provide for a notice or invoice to fee payers as to the amount and purpose of the fee. The adoption of the regulations shall be deemed to be an emergency and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, or general welfare. Notwithstanding subdivision (e) of Section 11346.1, the regulations shall remain in effect for no more than 360 days unless the agency complies with all the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 as required by subdivision (e) of Section 11346.1. 7114.5. (a) The department shall provide, as a high priority, to a designated local agency military base recovery area: (1) Technical assistance for state and federal grant applications as requested by the governing body. (2) Technical assistance for small business loans through the State of California and the federal government as requested by the governing body. (b) The California Environmental Protection Agency shall provide, as a high priority, to a designated local agency military base recovery area technical permit assistance for those permits that fall under the jurisdiction of the agency as requested by the governing body. (c) The Office of Permit Assistance shall provide, as a high priority, to a designated local agency military base recovery area technical assistance on permits as requested by the governing body. 7115. The department shall submit a report to the Legislature on or before July 1, 1996, and every year thereafter, which: (a) Evaluates the effect of the program on employment, investment, and incomes, and on state and local tax revenues in designated local agency military base recovery areas. (b) Indicates whether the number of existing local agency military base recovery areas should be expanded, by how many, and under what applicable time schedules. (c) Information from the Franchise Tax Board on the dollar value of local agency military base recovery area tax credits that are claimed each year by businesses. 7116. (a) A local agency military base recovery area governing body shall provide information at the request of the department as necessary for the department to prepare the report required pursuant to Section 7115. (b) A local agency military base recovery area governing body shall provide information at the request of the department as necessary for the department to determine whether the governing body is complying with the terms of the approved application. (c) If the department determines that a local agency military base recovery area governing body is not complying with the terms of the approved application for designation, the department shall provide written notice of the program deficiencies and the governing body shall be given six months to correct the deficiencies. (d) The department shall revoke the designation of a local agency military base recovery area if the department determines that the governing body granted the designation has not complied with the terms of the approved application for designation within six months after written notice pursuant to subdivision (c), and shall not be considered a local agency military base recovery area until the deficiencies are corrected. (e) Any companies located in the local agency military base recovery area shall not be penalized during any period of revocation and may continue to operate with incentives provided pursuant to this chapter. (f) An audit of the program shall be made by the department pursuant to Section 7076.1 with the cooperation of the governing body to determine the effectiveness of the program under this chapter. 7117. A business located within a local agency military base recovery area shall be eligible for the tax benefits set forth within Sections 17053.45, 17053.46, 17268, 17276.2, 23645, 23646, 24356.8, and 24416.2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code only if it provides a net increase in jobs in the local agency military base recovery area within the first two years from the business' initial date of operation. If the business fails to meet its obligations under the local agency military base recovery area plan or the requirements of this act, any tax benefits received under those sections shall be recaptured, as provided in each of those sections. 7117. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Office of Small Business shall establish regulations for loans and loan guarantees administered by the office that give high priority to businesses in a local agency military base recovery area. 7118. (a) Whenever the state prepares a solicitation for a contract for goods in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), except a contract in which the worksite is fixed by the provisions of the contract, the state shall award a 5-percent preference to California-based companies who demonstrate and certify under penalty of perjury that of the total labor hours required to manufacture the goods and perform the contract, at least 50 percent of the hours shall be accomplished at an identified worksite or worksites located in a local agency military base recovery area. (b) In evaluating proposals for contracts for services in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), except a contract in which the worksite is fixed by the provisions of the contract, the state shall award a 5-percent preference on the price submitted by California-based companies who demonstrate and certify under penalty of perjury that not less than 90 percent of the labor hours required to perform the contract shall be accomplished at an identified worksite or worksites located in a local agency military base recovery area. (c) Where a bidder complies with subdivision (a) or (b), the state shall award a 1-percent preference for bidders who certify under penalty of perjury to hire persons living within a local agency military base recovery area equal to 5 to 9 percent of its workforce during the period of contract performance; a 2-percent preference for bidders who shall agree to hire persons living within a local agency military base recovery area equal to 10 to 14 percent of its workforce during the period of contract performance; a 3-percent preference for bidders who shall agree to hire persons living within a local agency military base recovery area equal to 15 to 19 percent of its workforce during the period of contract performance; and a 4-percent preference for bidders who shall agree to hire persons living within a local agency military base recovery area equal to 20 or more percent of its workforce during the period of contract performance. (d) The maximum preference a bidder may be awarded pursuant to this chapter and any other provision of law shall be 15 percent. However, in no case shall the maximum preference cost under this section exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for any bid, nor shall the combined cost of preferences granted pursuant to this section and any other provision of law exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). In those cases where the 15-percent cumulated preference cost would exceed the one hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) maximum preference cost limit, the one hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) maximum preference cost limit shall apply. (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, small business bidders qualified in accordance with Section 14838 shall have precedence over nonsmall business bidders in that the application of any bidder preference for which nonsmall business bidders may be eligible, including the preference contained in this section, shall not result in the denial of the award to a small business bidder. This subdivision shall apply to those cases where the small business bidder is the lowest responsible bidder, as well as to those cases where the small business bidder is eligible for award as the result of application of the 5-percent small business bidder preference. (f) All state contracts issued to bidders who are awarded preferences under this section shall contain conditions to ensure that the contractor performs the contract at the location specified and meets any commitment to employ persons with high risk of unemployment. (g) (1) A business that requests and is given the preference provided for in subdivision (a) or (b) by reason of having furnished a false certification, and that by reason of this certification has been awarded a contract to which it would not otherwise have been entitled, shall be subject to all of the following: (A) Pay to the state any difference between the contract amount and what the state's cost would have been if the contract had been properly awarded. (B) In addition to the amount specified in subparagraph (A), be assessed a penalty in an amount of not more than 10 percent of the amount of the contract involved. (C) Be ineligible to directly or indirectly transact any business with the state for a period of not less than six months and not more than 36 months. (2) Prior to the imposition of any sanction under this subdivision, the business shall be entitled to a public hearing and to five days' notice of the time and place thereof. The notice shall state the reasons for the hearing. (h) In each instance in this section, a local agency military base recovery area shall also mean any local agency military base recovery area previously authorized under any other provision of state law.