SECTION 65960-65964
65960. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if any person applies for approval of a geothermal field development project, then only one permit from the lead agency and one permit from each responsible agency shall be required for all drilling, construction, operation, and maintenance activities required during the course of the productive life of the project, including, but not limited to, the drilling of makeup wells, redrills, well cleanouts, pipeline hookups, or any other activity necessary to the continued supply of geothermal steam to a powerplant. The lead agency and each responsible agency may approve such permits for less than full field development if the applicant submits such an application. Such permits shall include (1) any conditions or stipulations deemed necessary by the lead or responsible agency, including appropriate mitigation measures within the statutory jurisdiction of such agency, and (2) a monitoring program capable of assuring the permittee's conformance with all such conditions or stipulations. This section shall not apply to any permit whose issuance is a ministerial act by the permitting agency. 65961. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, except as provided in subdivisions (e) and (f), upon approval or conditional approval of a tentative map for a subdivision of single- or multiple-family residential units, or upon recordation of a parcel map for such a subdivision for which no tentative map was required, during the five-year period following recordation of the final map or parcel map for the subdivision, a city, county, or city and county shall not require as a condition to the issuance of any building permit or equivalent permit for such single- or multiple-family residential units, conformance with or the performance of any conditions that the city or county could have lawfully imposed as a condition to the previously approved tentative or parcel map. Nor shall a city, county, or city and county withhold or refuse to issue a building permit or equivalent permit for failure to conform with or perform any conditions that the city, county, or city and county could have lawfully imposed as a condition to the previously approved tentative or parcel map. However, the provisions of this section shall not prohibit a city, county, or city and county from doing any of the following: (a) Imposing conditions or requirements upon the issuance of a building permit or equivalent permit which could have been lawfully imposed as a condition to the approval of a tentative or parcel map if the local agency finds it necessary to impose the condition or requirement for any of the following reasons: (1) A failure to do so would place the residents of the subdivision or of the immediate community, or both, in a condition perilous to their health or safety, or both. (2) The condition is required in order to comply with state or federal law. (b) Withholding or refusing to issue a building permit or equivalent permit if the local agency finds it is required to do so in order to comply with state or federal law. (c) Assuring compliance with the applicable zoning ordinance. (d) This section shall also apply to a city or city and county which incorporates on or after January 1, 1985, and which includes within its boundaries any areas included in the tentative or parcel map described in this section. When the incorporation includes areas included in the tentative or parcel map described in this section, "a condition that the city could have lawfully imposed as a condition to the previously approved tentative or parcel map," as used in this section, refers to conditions the county could have imposed had there been no incorporation. (e) For purposes only of a tentative subdivision map or parcel map that is extended pursuant to Section 66452.22, the five-year period described in this section shall be three years. (f) For purposes only of a tentative subdivision map or parcel map that is extended pursuant to Section 66452.22, this section does not prohibit a city, county, or city and county from levying a fee or imposing a condition that requires the payment of a fee, including an adopted fee that is not included within an applicable zoning ordinance, upon the issuance of a building permit, including, but not limited to, a fee defined in Section 66000. 65962. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the amendments required by Sections 65302.9 and 65860.1 have become effective, each city and county within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley shall not approve a discretionary permit or other discretionary entitlement, or a ministerial permit that would result in the construction of a new residence, for a project that is located within a flood hazard zone unless the city or county finds, based on substantial evidence in the record, one of the following: (1) The facilities of the State Plan of Flood Control or other flood management facilities protect the project to the urban level of flood protection in urban and urbanizing areas or the national Federal Emergency Management Agency standard of flood protection in nonurbanized areas. (2) The city or county has imposed conditions on the permit or discretionary entitlement that will protect the project to the urban level of flood protection in urban and urbanizing areas or the national Federal Emergency Management Agency standard of flood protection in nonurbanized areas. (3) The local flood management agency has made adequate progress on the construction of a flood protection system which will result in flood protection equal to or greater than the urban level of flood protection in urban or urbanizing areas or the national Federal Emergency Management Agency standard of flood protection in nonurbanized areas for property located within a flood hazard zone, intended to be protected by the system. For urban and urbanizing areas protected by project levees, the urban level of flood protection shall be achieved by 2025. (b) The effective date of amendments referred to in this section shall be the date upon which the statutes of limitation specified in subdivision (c) of Section 65009 have run or, if the amendments and any associated environmental documents are challenged in court, the validity of the amendments and any associated environmental documents has been upheld in a final decision. (c) This section does not change or diminish existing requirements of local flood plain management laws, ordinances, resolutions, or regulations necessary to local agency participation in the national flood insurance program. 65962.5. (a) The Department of Toxic Substances Control shall compile and update as appropriate, but at least annually, and shall submit to the Secretary for Environmental Protection, a list of all of the following: (1) All hazardous waste facilities subject to corrective action pursuant to Section 25187.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (2) All land designated as hazardous waste property or border zone property pursuant to Article 11 (commencing with Section 25220) of Chapter 6.5 of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code. (3) All information received by the Department of Toxic Substances Control pursuant to Section 25242 of the Health and Safety Code on hazardous waste disposals on public land. (4) All sites listed pursuant to Section 25356 of the Health and Safety Code. (5) All sites included in the Abandoned Site Assessment Program. (b) The State Department of Health Services shall compile and update as appropriate, but at least annually, and shall submit to the Secretary for Environmental Protection, a list of all public drinking water wells that contain detectable levels of organic contaminants and that are subject to water analysis pursuant to Section 116395 of the Health and Safety Code. (c) The State Water Resources Control Board shall compile and update as appropriate, but at least annually, and shall submit to the Secretary for Environmental Protection, a list of all of the following: (1) All underground storage tanks for which an unauthorized release report is filed pursuant to Section 25295 of the Health and Safety Code. (2) All solid waste disposal facilities from which there is a migration of hazardous waste and for which a California regional water quality control board has notified the Department of Toxic Substances Control pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 13273 of the Water Code. (3) All cease and desist orders issued after January 1, 1986, pursuant to Section 13301 of the Water Code, and all cleanup or abatement orders issued after January 1, 1986, pursuant to Section 13304 of the Water Code, that concern the discharge of wastes that are hazardous materials. (d) The local enforcement agency, as designated pursuant to Section 18051 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, shall compile as appropriate, but at least annually, and shall submit to the California Integrated Waste Management Board, a list of all solid waste disposal facilities from which there is a known migration of hazardous waste. The California Integrated Waste Management Board shall compile the local lists into a statewide list, which shall be submitted to the Secretary for Environmental Protection and shall be available to any person who requests the information. (e) The Secretary for Environmental Protection shall consolidate the information submitted pursuant to this section and distribute it in a timely fashion to each city and county in which sites on the lists are located. The secretary shall distribute the information to any other person upon request. The secretary may charge a reasonable fee to persons requesting the information, other than cities, counties, or cities and counties, to cover the cost of developing, maintaining, and reproducing and distributing the information. (f) Before a lead agency accepts as complete an application for any development project which will be used by any person, the applicant shall consult the lists sent to the appropriate city or county and shall submit a signed statement to the local agency indicating whether the project and any alternatives are located on a site that is included on any of the lists compiled pursuant to this section and shall specify any list. If the site is included on a list, and the list is not specified on the statement, the lead agency shall notify the applicant pursuant to Section 65943. The statement shall read as follows: HAZARDOUS WASTE AND SUBSTANCES STATEMENT The development project and any alternatives proposed in this application are contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. Accordingly, the project applicant is required to submit a signed statement that contains the following information: Name of applicant: Address: Phone number: Address of site (street name and number if available, and ZIP Code): Local agency (city/county): Assessor's book, page, and parcel number: Specify any list pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code: Regulatory identification number: Date of list: ____________________________ Applicant, Date (g) The changes made to this section by the act amending this section, that takes effect January 1, 1992, apply only to projects for which applications have not been deemed complete on or before January 1, 1992, pursuant to Section 65943. 65963.1. Except as otherwise provided in Article 8.7 (commencing with Section 25199) of Chapter 6.5 of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code, this chapter applies to the making of a land use decision or the issuance of a permit for a hazardous waste facility project by a public agency, as defined in Section 25199.1 of the Health and Safety Code, including, but not limited to, all of the following actions: (a) The approval of land use permits and conditional use permits, the granting of variances, the subdivision of property, and the modification of existing property lines pursuant to this division or Division 2 (commencing with Section 66410) of Title 7, and, for purposes of this chapter, "project" includes an activity requiring any of those actions. (b) The issuance of hazardous waste facility permits by the State Department of Health Services pursuant to Chapter 6.5 (commencing with Section 25100) of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code. (c) The issuance of waste discharge requirements by California regional water quality control boards pursuant to Article 4 (commencing with Section 13260) of Chapter 4 of Division 7 of the Water Code. (d) The issuance of authority to construct permits by the district board of an air pollution control district or an air quality management district pursuant to Division 26 (commencing with Section 39000) of the Health and Safety Code. (e) The issuance of solid waste facilities permits by the enforcement agency pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 66796.30) of Chapter 3 of Title 7.3. 65964. As a condition of approval of an application for a permit for construction or reconstruction for a development project for a wireless telecommunications facility, as defined in Section 65850.6, a city or county shall not do any of the following: (a) Require an escrow deposit for removal of a wireless telecommunications facility or any component thereof. However, a performance bond or other surety or another form of security may be required, so long as the amount of the bond security is rationally related to the cost of removal. In establishing the amount of the security, the city or county shall take into consideration information provided by the permit applicant regarding the cost of removal. (b) Unreasonably limit the duration of any permit for a wireless telecommunications facility. Limits of less than 10 years are presumed to be unreasonable absent public safety reasons or substantial land use reasons. However, cities and counties may establish a build-out period for a site. (c) Require that all wireless telecommunications facilities be limited to sites owned by particular parties within the jurisdiction of the city or county.