
SECTION 45200-45210

45200.  It is unlawful for any person:
   (a) Wilfully by himself or in cooperation with another person to
defeat, deceive, or obstruct any person with respect to his right of
examination, application, or certification for employment under the
personnel system, merit system, or civil service system of any city.
   (b) Wilfully and falsely to mark, grade, estimate, or report upon
the examination or proper standing of any person examined or
certified under the personnel system, merit system, or civil service
system of any city, or to aid in so doing, or make any false
representation concerning the same or the person examined.
   (c) Wilfully to furnish to any person any special or secret
information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the
prospects or chances of any person examined, certified or to be
examined or certified under the personnel system, merit system, or
civil service system of any city.

45201.  It is unlawful for any person:
   (a) To impersonate another person or to permit or aid in any
manner any other person to impersonate him in connection with any
examination, application, or request to be examined under the
personnel system, merit system, or civil service system of any city.
   (b) To furnish or obtain examination questions or other
examination material prepared and intended for use in any examination
under the personnel system, merit system, or civil service system of
any city before such examination.
   (c) To use any unfair means to cause or attempt to cause any
eligible to waive any rights obtained under the personnel system,
merit system, or civil service system of any city.

45203.  Any city employee, or person whose name appears on any city
employment list who uses during duty hours, for training or target
practice, any material which is not authorized therefor by the
appointing power, shall be disciplined pursuant to the city
personnel, merit or civil service system.

45210.  Every person who violates any provision of this article is
guilty of a misdemeanor.