
SECTION 3000-3003

3000.  An officer forfeits his office upon conviction of designated
crimes as specified in the Constitution and laws of the State.

3001.  Any State, county, or city officer who is intoxicated while
in discharge of the duties of his office, or by reason of
intoxication is disqualified for the discharge of, or neglects his
duties, is guilty of a misdemeanor. On conviction of such misdemeanor
he forfeits his office, and the vacancy occasioned thereby shall be
filled in the same manner as if the officer had filed his resignation
in the proper office.

3002.  Whenever the Governor is authorized to appoint a person to an
office with the advice and consent of, or subject to confirmation
by, the Senate, and no fixed term has been provided by law for such
office, the Governor may at any time, without cause and without
hearing, remove the incumbent from said office and fill the vacancy
occasioned by such removal in the same manner as if the officer had
filed his resignation in the proper office.

3003.  An elected officer of the state or a city, county, city and
county, or district in this state forfeits his or her office upon the
conviction of a crime pursuant to the federal Stolen Valor Act of
2005 (18 U.S.C. Sec. 704), that involves a false claim of receipt of
any military decoration or medal described in that act. As used in
this section, "district" means any agency of the state formed
pursuant to general law or special act, for the local performance of
governmental or proprietary functions within limited boundaries.