SECTION 20370-20371
20370. (a) "Member" means an employee who has qualified for membership in this system and on whose behalf an employer has become obligated to pay contributions. (b) "State member" includes: (1) State miscellaneous members. (2) University members. (3) Patrol members. (4) State safety members. (5) State industrial members. (6) State peace officer/firefighter members. (7) National Guard members as defined in Section 20380.5. (c) "Local member" includes: (1) Local miscellaneous members. (2) Local safety members. (d) "School member" includes all employees within the jurisdiction of a school employer, other than local police officers, school safety members and members included in a risk pool. 20371. "Member classification" means either of the following: (a) Miscellaneous member classification, which includes state miscellaneous members, National Guard members, university members, local miscellaneous members, state industrial members, and school members. (b) Safety member classification, which includes patrol members, state peace officer/firefighter members, state safety members, and local safety members.