SECTION 200-204
200. The State has the rights prescribed in this article over persons within its limits, to be exercised in the cases and in the manner provided by law. 201. The State may punish for crime. 202. The state may imprison or confine for the protection of the public peace or health or of individual life or safety. 203. The State may establish custody and restraint of: (a) Mentally ill persons, insane persons, chronic inebriates, and other persons of unsound mind. (b) Paupers for the purposes of their maintenance. (c) Minors for the purposes of their education, reformation, and maintenance. 204. The State may require services of persons, with or without compensation: In military duty; in jury duty; as witnesses; as town officers; in highway labor; in maintaining the public peace; in enforcing the service of process; in protecting life and property from fire, pestilence, wreck, and flood; and in other cases provided by statute.