SECTION 18930-18941
18930. Examinations for the establishment of eligible lists shall be competitive and of such character as fairly to test and determine the qualifications, fitness, and ability of competitors actually to perform the duties of the class of position for which they seek appointment. Examinations for managerial positions, except for career executive assignments as defined in Section 18547, peace officers defined in subdivision (a) of Section 830.2 of the Penal Code, and managerial positions of the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection in the classes of State Forest Ranger IV and Assistant Deputy State Forester, shall be held on an open basis unless the appointing authority determines otherwise. "Managerial position" means those positions having the duties which are defined under "managerial employees" in subdivision (e) of Section 3513. When an open examination is administered for a noncareer executive assignment managerial position, the names of the applicants who pass the examination with a passing score shall be placed on one list and ranked in the relative order of the examination score received. Examinations may be assembled or unassembled, written or oral, or in the form of a demonstration of skill, or any combination of these; and any investigation of character, personality, education, and experience and any tests of intelligence, capacity, technical knowledge, manual skill, or physical fitness which the board deems are appropriate, may be employed. 18930.5. The board may designate an appointing power to design, announce, or administer examinations for the establishment of employment lists in accordance with Section 18654 and board rule. No later than January 1, 1987, the board shall authorize or assess the ability of appointing powers to design, announce, or administer designated examinations for the establishment of employment lists. The board may audit examinations and order corrective action or nullify any examination or parts thereof which have been conducted improperly. A designated appointing power may contract with the board or another designated appointing power for the purpose of designing, publicizing, or administering an examination. 18931. The board shall establish minimum qualifications for determining the fitness and qualifications of employees for each class of position; for temporary appointments, and for applicants for examinations, and for such purposes may require such certificates of citizens, physicians, public officers, or others having knowledge of the applicant, as the good of the service may require. It may require necessary documentary evidence of citizenship, honorable discharge from the armed forces of the United States, possession of valid licenses for various purposes, or other evidence of identification, fitness, and qualification. 18932. The board shall not establish any minimum or maximum age limits for any civil service examination, except in the cases of positions involving public health or safety or having the powers and duties of a peace officer, as defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code, and for trainee positions the board may establish minimum and maximum age limits. The board, for positions involving public safety or having the powers and duties of a peace officer, shall adopt maximum age limitations for any civil service examination where it can be demonstrated that the age limitation in question is a "bona fide occupational qualification" as provided by the Federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (29 U.S.C. Secs. 621 et seq.). The board shall waive those age limits for persons competing in examinations on a promotional basis. Any person possessing all the minimum qualifications for any state position is eligible, regardless of his or her age, to take any civil service examination given for that position, except as provided in this section. 18933. Within a reasonable time before the scheduled date, the board or a designated appointing power shall announce or advertise examinations for the establishment of eligible lists. Such announcement shall contain such information as the board deems proper and information concerning: (a) The date and place of the examination. (b) The nature of the minimum qualifications. (c) The general scope of the examination. (d) The relative weight of its several parts if more than one type of test is to be utilized. 18934. Every applicant for examination shall file a formal signed application in the office of the board or a designated appointing power within a reasonable length of time before the date of examination. Blank application forms shall be furnished without charge to all persons requesting them. Such applications when filed and all other examination materials, including examination questions and booklets, are the property of the board and are confidential records open to inspection only if and as provided by board rule. The application form shall include a place for listing volunteer experience and such experience shall be considered if it is relevant to the position being applied for. Each form shall have prominently displayed on its face the fact that volunteer experience will be given consideration as qualifying experience for state employment. 18935. The board may refuse to examine or, after examination, may refuse to declare as eligible or may withhold or withdraw from certification, prior to appointment, anyone who comes under any of the following categories: (a) Lacks any of the requirements established by the board for the examination or position for which he or she applies. (b) At the time of examination has permanent status in a position of equal or higher class than the examination or position for which he or she applies. (c) Is physically or mentally so disabled as to be rendered unfit to perform the duties of the position to which he or she seeks appointment. (d) Is addicted to the use of intoxicating beverages to excess. (e) Is addicted to the use of controlled substances. (f) Has been convicted of a felony, or convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. (g) Has been guilty of infamous or notoriously disgraceful conduct. (h) Has been dismissed from any position for any cause which would be a cause for dismissal from the state service. (i) Has resigned from any position not in good standing or in order to avoid dismissal. (j) Has intentionally attempted to practice any deception or fraud in his or her application, in his or her examination, or in securing his or her eligibility. (k) Has waived appointment three times after certification from the same employment list. (l) Has failed to reply within a reasonable time, as specified by the board, to communications concerning his or her availability for employment. (m) Has made himself or herself unavailable for employment by requesting that his or her name be withheld from certification. (n) Is, in accordance with board rule, found to be unsuited or not qualified for employment. (o) Has engaged in unlawful reprisal or retaliation in violation of Article 3 (commencing with Section 8547) of Chapter 6.5 of Division 1, as determined by the board or the court. 18936. The final earned rating of each person competing in any examination shall be determined by the weighted average of the earned ratings on all phases of the examination, according to the weights for each phase established by the board or a designated appointing power in advance of the giving of the examination and published as a part of the announcement of the examination. The board or a designated appointing power may set minimum qualifying ratings for each phase of an examination and may provide that competitors failing to achieve such ratings in any phase shall be disqualified from any further participation in the examination. 18937. The passing mark for an examination may be other than the true percentage or average published as a part of the announcement of the examination, if deemed by the board or a designated appointing power to be justified in order to provide an adequate eligible list or to adjust for the apparent difficulty of an examination. In establishing any eligible list or promotional list following an examination, the names of the persons who have attained the passing mark in such examination shall be placed on the list in the order of final earned ratings, except as such order may be modified by the application of veterans' preferences. When the order of names has been determined after applying the appropriate veterans' preference credits, the board may thereafter limit to suit the needs of the service the number of names to be placed on the employment list. 18938. The board or a designated appointing power may issue certificates of competence to candidates who are successful in certain phases of examinations involving a particular knowledge, ability or skill. For the period named in such a certificate, the board or a designated appointing power may accept it as evidence of the candidate's competence in lieu of participation in that phase of an examination. 18938.5. When the employment list resulting from examination has been established, each competitor shall be notified in writing of the results of the examination. For competitors unsuccessful in an oral examination, the board or a designated appointing power shall, upon the written request of the competitor, specify the reasons why such person was unsuccessful. 18938.6. The board shall provide by rule for the inspection of examination papers for all written test competitors. 18939. For classes of positions for which the board or a designated appointing power finds it difficult to maintain adequate eligible lists it may receive applications, conduct examinations, and create eligible lists continuously. The names of eligibles who took the same or a comparable examination on different dates may be ranked for purposes of certification in the order of final earned ratings, except as the order may be modified by the application of veterans preferences or career credits, consistent with applicable statutes. Eligibility from a continuous examination may be deemed to be established as of the date of examination. 18940. (a) When an examination is scheduled to be given during the period from sundown on a Friday until sundown on the following day, and it is the practice of an applicant, based upon his religious convictions, to observe the Sabbath during such period, and the applicant therefore objects to taking the examination during such period, he may elect to avail himself of the procedure provided for in subdivision (b). (b) On or before the final date for filing applications for an examination the applicant shall advise the board or a designated appointing power of his objections, his desire for the deferred examination and for surveillance described in subdivision (c), and his preference between individual and group surveillance. If, in the opinion of the board or a designated appointing power, the security of examination material does not require surveillance, the applicant may be given a deferred examination without surveillance. (c) An applicant who gives notice to the board or a designated appointing power in accordance with subdivision (b) unless surveillance is waived by the board or a designated appointing power shall be entitled to receive such surveillance by a representative of the board, either individually or as part of a group, depending on the facilities of the board or a designated appointing power and the preference of the applicant, as will render it impossible for the candidate to learn of the contents of the examination. The surveillance shall continue from the time of commencement of the general examination until the commencement of the deferred examination of the applicant, which deferred examination shall be given promptly after the close of the Sabbath observed by the applicant. During the period of surveillance the board or a designated appointing power may require the presence of the applicant at such place or places as it deems appropriate, but the applicant shall be allowed the greatest freedom of movement consistent with the purposes of this section. 18941. (a) For purposes of this section, "Section 211" means the board regulation restricting a dismissed employee from taking civil service examinations, provided for pursuant to Section 211 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations. (b) The board shall do both of the following: (1) Provide, by rule, for grant of a blanket waiver under Section 211 that will allow a dismissed employee who meets standards to be determined by the board to apply for any civil service examination, so that he or she will not need a separate waiver for each examination. (2) Prepare a written notice that explains the effect of dismissal from state employment on eligibility to take civil service examinations, as stated in Section 211, and the process by which a dismissed employee can compete in a civil service examination, including any changes to that process required by this section.