SECTION 15500-15506
15500. This part may be cited as the Local Agency Allocation Law. 15501. As used in this part: (a) "Local agencies" means cities, counties, housing authorities, districts, and any other local public agencies. (b) "Public works projects" means acquisition and improvement of sites, construction, modification, and alteration of public buildings, airports, water supply systems (including when incidental to a public works project (1) highways, streets, bridges, and other street and highway structures, and (2) plan preparation and equipment), and publicly owned and operated facilities, including but not limited to sewage treatment and disposal plants and sanitary facilities. (c) "Board" means State Allocation Board. 15502. Whenever the Legislature makes an appropriation of state or federal funds for apportionment or allocation to any class or classes of local agencies for public works projects, or whenever any state officer or agency is authorized by law to receive or accept any money from the Federal Government or from other sources for the purpose of making such apportionments or allocations, and if no state officer or agency, other than the State Allocation Board, is authorized and empowered by law to make the allocations or apportionments, they shall be made solely by the board. 15503. Whenever the board is required to make allocations or apportionments under this part, it shall prescribe rules and regulations for the administration of, and not inconsistent with, the act making the appropriation of funds to be allocated or apportioned. The board shall require the procedure, forms, and the submission of any information it may deem necessary or appropriate. Unless otherwise provided in the appropriation act, the board may require that applications for allocations or apportionments be submitted to it for approval. 15504. The Director of General Services shall provide the board with the assistance it may require in order to carry out the provisions of this part. 15505. Any money appropriated for allocation or apportionment upon a fixed formula basis or upon a basis not requiring the exercise of judgment or discretion as to the amount of or the terms and conditions under which allocations and apportionments are to be made is exempt from this part unless the Legislature expressly provides otherwise. 15506. This part shall not be construed as affecting or changing any authority or practice existing on May 24, 1949 whereby any state officer or agency is allocating or apportioning money to local agencies.