SECTION 14705-14708
14705. All money received by the department under this article shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the General Fund. 14706. The Department of General Services has complete control of all of the land owned by the state in the Delhi Colony in Merced County, consisting of approximately 58.50 acres. The department may sell all or any part for cash at a price to be fixed by the director. There shall be excepted and reserved to the state the minerals including oil and gas in such lands, and the right of the state or persons authorized to do so by the state to prospect for, extract, and remove, the minerals, oil and gas therefrom. The department may lease all or any part of the land for such rental and upon such terms and conditions as are provided for other state lands of similar character. 14707. The department has control of real property in the City of Sacramento, consisting of property known as the State Garage on L Street, and lots designated 83, 84 and H on Fifth Street, for use for state purposes. The department may sell all or part upon such terms and conditions as the director deems for the best interests of the state. 14708. All personal property received from the state land settlement shall be held by the department for use by it, for transfer to and for use by other state agencies which receive their support from the General Fund, or it may be sold.