
SECTION 14700-14703

14700.  The Department of General Services has control of the state
burial grounds in the City of Sacramento, and of the Union Cemetery
in San Mateo County accepted by Chapter 1096 of the Statutes of 1947.

14701.  The fee to the state burial grounds, in the city cemetery of
the City of Sacramento, is in the people of the state.

14702.  There may be interred in the state burial grounds in the
City of Sacramento the remains of any person who:
   (a) Was a state officer or a Member of the Senate or Assembly at
the time of his death.
   (b) At the death of any state officer or Member of the Senate or
Assembly, was the spouse of the officer or member.

14703.  The department may employ such employees as are necessary to
perform its duties concerning the state burial grounds in the City
of Sacramento and the Union Cemetery.