SECTION 14200-14203
14200. As used in this chapter, "telecommuting" means the partial or total substitution of computers or telecommunication technologies, or both, for the commute to work by employees residing in California. 14200.1. (a) The Legislature finds and declares the following: (1) Telecommuting can be an important means to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion and to reduce the high costs of highway commuting. (2) Telecommuting stimulates employee productivity while giving workers more flexibility and control over their lives. (b) It is the intent of the Legislature to encourage state agencies to adopt policies that encourage telecommuting by state employees. 14201. Every state agency shall review its work operations to determine where in its organization telecommuting can be of practical benefit to the agency. On or before July 1, 1995, each agency shall develop and implement a telecommuting plan as part of its telecommuting program in work areas where telecommuting is identified as being both practical and beneficial to the organization. Agencies that participated in the experimental studies described in Section 15276 may continue and expand those telecommuting programs in accordance with the policy, procedures, and guidelines developed by the Department of General Services in conjunction with those participating agencies. Those agencies not having participated in the initial experimental studies described in Section 15276 may comply with the policy, procedures, and guidelines developed by the Department of General Services in conjunction with a multiagency group that participated in those studies. 14202. The Department of General Services shall establish a unit for the purpose of overseeing telecommuting programs established pursuant to this chapter. This unit shall do all of the following: (a) Coordinate and facilitate the interagency exchange of information regarding the state's telecommuting program, and establish and lead a multiagency telecommuting advisory group for these purposes. (b) Develop and update policy, procedures, and guidelines to assist agencies in the planning and implementation of telecommuting programs. (c) Assist state agencies in requesting the siting of satellite work stations and develop procedures to track the needs of agencies and identify potential office locations. 14203. Each state agency shall evaluate its telecommuting program. The Department of General Services shall establish criteria for evaluating the state's telecommuting program and recommend modifications, if necessary.