SECTION 12775-12776
12775. (a) "Limited purpose agency" means a private nonprofit organization or public agency which in federal fiscal year 1981 received direct funding under Section 221 or 222 of the federal Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 from Region IX of the Community Services Administration, and has operated continuously as a limited purpose agency since 1981. (b) Limited purpose agencies shall provide such services as are permissible under Section 12745, with specific focus on training, technical assistance, special support programs, or other activities serving eligible beneficiaries. (c) Limited purpose agencies which are grantees under this article shall comply with appropriate administrative and fiscal requirements of this chapter as a condition of remaining an entity eligible for funding. (d) Limited purpose agencies funded by the department and operating under authority of this chapter in the prior program year shall have the same protections against defunding as defined in subdivision (e) of Section 12736. 12776. Limited purpose agencies funded under this article shall coordinate their plans and activities with other eligible entities funded by the department to avoid duplication of services and to maximize services for all eligible beneficiaries.