SECTION 6020-6028
6020. This article shall apply only to conduits with a maximum flow capacity of 250 cubic feet per second or less of water, other than those conduits described in Section 5987. If this section is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of Article 3 of this chapter and the Legislature hereby declares that the persons owning conduits referred to in this section shall be subject to the provisions of Article 3 of this chapter. 6021. The department shall examine new or existing conduits, and may install, maintain, repair, and replace fish screens, bypasses, or other devices to prevent the passage of fish through a conduit, when in the opinion of the department such a screen or device is practical and necessary. The owner of a conduit shall grant to the department the right of access to the conduit for the installation and maintenance of the screen, and shall provide the department with an easement for a site for the installation of the screen or device deemed suitable by the department. The owner shall also supply sufficient water for a bypass to carry fish stopped by the screen or device back to the channel from which they were diverted, and an easement for the bypass channel, but such easement shall not require the acquisition or leasing of additional lands by the owner. No water for a bypass shall be required if the channel from which the water is diverted is dry or incapable of supporting fish life below the point of diversion. 6022. Sufficient water for a bypass shall be not to exceed the following: (a) Diversions under three cubic feet per second capacity shall not be required to bypass more than 18 gallons per minute. (b) Diversions of three cubic feet per second or more, but under 10 cubic feet per second, shall not be required to bypass more than 30 gallons per minute. (c) Diversions of 10 cubic feet per second or more, but under 20 cubic feet per second, shall not be required to bypass more than 40 gallons per minute. (d) Diversions of 20 cubic feet per second or over shall not be required to bypass more than one-half of 1 percent of the capacity of the diversion. (e) Diversions built by the Government of the United States and requiring bypasses longer than one-quarter mile shall bypass such amount of water as is necessary to return fish to the permanent channel satisfactorily. 6023. The department shall serve written notice upon each owner of its intention to install a fish screen, and shall describe therein the distance downstream from the intake or in other manner the location of the screen, the access required, and the amount of water required for the bypass. The notice shall be served upon the owner in duplicate, and in such form that the original copy upon signature by the owner shall serve as an agreement to the installation of the screen or device under the terms therein, and shall require the owner to render such assistance, other than mechanical repair or replacement of parts, necessary to keep the screen or device in satisfactory operating condition. The hiring of additional labor shall not be required for such assistance. 6024. If the owner fails to sign and return the agreement granting the department the necessary rights for the installation of the screen or device within 60 days after its service on him, the department may install the screen as though the agreement had been signed unless a decision of the Department of Water Resources is requested. In the event the department and the owner of the conduit cannot agree upon the type, size, mesh, or location of the screen or device, the amount of water required for a bypass, or the time within which the screen or device shall be installed, the matter shall be submitted for determination to the Department of Water Resources, whose decision thereon shall be final and conclusive. The Department of Water Resources shall render its decision within 60 days after either the department or the owner has submitted the matter in writing and requested a decision. 6025. It is unlawful for the owner of a conduit to cause or permit a screen to be removed or taken out of place, except for repairs or cleaning, while water is running in the conduit, or to operate the conduit with the bypass closed when the screen is operating as provided in this article. 6026. Any screen installed under this article shall be such as will be reasonably adequate to prevent fish from passing into the conduit and will not unnecessarily impede the flow of water or prevent the owner from diverting the amount of water he is legally entitled to divert. 6027. This article does not prevent the department from removing or permitting an owner to remove a screen or close a bypass during any part of the year when the department finds that such action will not endanger fish life. 6028. All money paid by the department to the owner of a conduit pursuant to this article shall be paid out of the Fish and Game Preservation Fund.