
SECTION 15600-15605

15600.  (a) No live aquatic plant or animal may be imported into
this state by a registered aquaculturist without the prior written
approval of the department pursuant to the regulations adopted by the
   (b) The department shall not approve the importation of, or renew
a permit to import, any anadromous fish or roe thereof listed in
Section 2118 or the regulations adopted under Section 2118 into the
Smith River watershed by a person unless that person had a permit or
authorization approved before February 22, 1988. However, the
department may issue or renew a permit for the importation of any
anadromous fish or roe thereof specifically for research purposes
conducted at any university, college, governmental research agency,
or other bona fide scientific institution, as determined by the
department, engaging in scientific or public health research.

15601.  A written application for the importation submitted in
conformance with the procedural requirements established by the
commission is deemed to be approved where it has not been denied
within 60 days.

15604.  No facility constructed for the purpose of spawning,
incubating, or raising of anadromous fish listed in Section 2118 in
the Smith River watershed is exempt from any provision of the
California Environmental Quality Act.

15605.  (a) Nothing in this chapter prohibits the importation of
Atlantic Salmon or the roe thereof, or the continued possession of
Atlantic salmon or the roe therefrom which were lawfully imported or
possessed on or before February 22, 1988, in the Smith River
watershed under a written approval of the department issued pursuant
to Section 15600.
   (b) Nothing in this chapter applies to the importation or
possession of dead Atlantic salmon or nonviable roe therefrom
imported for human consumption if the importer has the appropriate
licenses issued by the department.