
SECTION 10650-10667

10650.  In Mt. Tamalpais Game Refuge, the lawful occupant of
privately owned land, or the employees of such occupant, may take on
such lands, predatory, or destructive birds and mammals which are not
protected or fostered by any of the laws of this State, and are not
required to obtain permits for such taking.

10651.  In the Mt. Tamalpais Game Refuge firearms may be possessed
and used by members of any high school militia while on the grounds
of the high school at which time they may be enrolled.

10652.  In the Mt. Tamalpais Game Refuge, no threatened, endangered,
or fully-protected birds or mammals may be taken under any permit
issued by the department.
   Except for wild pigs, it is unlawful to take any bird or mammal
under a permit issued by the department unless the person possessing
the permit is accompanied by a member of the commission, a deputy of
the department, or a sheriff or deputy sheriff of Marin County.

10653.  In the San Francisco Game Refuge, birds, mammals, fish, and
amphibia legally possessed may be carried openly by persons traveling
through the refuge on public roads, between one-half hour before
sunrise and one-half hour after sunset.

10654.  Nothing in this division prevents the full use of the land
included in the San Francisco Game Refuge for water supply purposes,
nor prohibits any authorized employee of the San Francisco water
department from carrying out such reasonable measures as may be
necessary for the protection of the water supply or the prevention of
pollution of the streams or reservoirs.

10655.  (a) A person involved in oceanographic and scientific
research in and around Santa Catalina Island may be authorized by the
Director of the Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge to
enter the Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge and to
anchor or moor a vessel therein.
   (b) The Director of the Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life
Refuge, or any person that the Director of the Catalina Marine
Science Center Marine Life Refuge has authorized under Section
10502.8, may take, for scientific purposes, any fish or specimen of
marine plant life under the conditions prescribed by the department
under Section 10502.8.

10655.5.  (a) Except as expressly provided in this division, it is
unlawful to enter the Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life
Refuge for the purpose of taking or possessing any fish or marine
plants or to take or possess any fish or marine plants in the
Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge.
   (b) Except as permitted by federal law or emergency caused by
hazardous weather, it is unlawful to anchor or moor a vessel in the
Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge without
authorization by the Director of the Catalina Marine Science Center
Marine Life Refuge pursuant to Section 10502.8.
   (c) Section 10655 and this section do not prohibit or restrict
navigation in the Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge
pursuant to federal law.

10656.  (a) Except as expressly provided in this division, it is
unlawful to enter the Bodega Marine Life Refuge for the purpose of
taking or possessing any fish, marine invertebrate, or marine plant,
or to take or possess any fish, marine invertebrate, or marine plant
in the Bodega Marine Life Refuge.
   (b) Except as permitted by federal law or emergency caused by
hazardous weather, it is unlawful to anchor or moor a vessel in the
Bodega Marine Life Refuge without authorization by the Director of
the Bodega Marine Life Refuge pursuant to Section 10502.7.
   (c) This section does not prohibit or restrict navigation in the
Bodega Marine Life Refuge pursuant to federal law.

10657.  (a) A person may be permitted by the Director of the Hopkins
Marine Life Refuge to enter the Hopkins Marine Life Refuge under a
   (b) The Director of the Hopkins Marine Life Refuge, or any person
to whom the Director of the Hopkins Marine Life Refuge has issued a
permit under Section 10502.5, may take, for scientific purposes, any
fish or specimen of marine plant life under the conditions prescribed
by the department under Section 10502.5.

10657.5.  Except as expressly provided in this division, it is
unlawful to enter the Hopkins Marine Life Refuge for the purpose of
taking or possessing any fish or marine plants or to take or possess
any fish or marine plants in the Hopkins Marine Life Refuge.
   Section 10657 and this section do not prohibit or restrict
navigation in the Hopkins Marine Life Refuge pursuant to federal law.

10658.  In the San Diego Marine Life Refuge, licensees of the
Regents of the University of California and all officers, employees,
and students of such university may take, for scientific purposes,
any invertebrate or specimen of marine plant life without a permit
from the department.

10659.  In the California Sea Otter Game Refuge, the lawful occupant
of privately owned land, or the employees of such occupant, may
possess firearms and traps and may take on such lands any
nonprotected bird or mammal, and no permit is required for such

10660.  (a) In the Pacific Grove Marine Gardens Fish Refuge, fish,
other than mollusks and crustaceans, may be taken under the authority
of a sport fishing license as authorized by this code.
   (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, holders
of scientific collectors' permits issued by the commission, or
students working under their direction, may take marine life for
scientific purposes in this refuge.
   (c) In this refuge, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, squid and
herring may be taken by ring net, lampara net or bait net as
authorized by this code.

10661.  In the Bodega Marine Life Refuge, licensees of the Regents
of the University of California and all officers, employees, and
students of such university may take, for scientific purposes, any
invertebrate or specimen of marine plant life without a permit from
the department.

10662.  Notwithstanding any other provision in this code, it shall
be unlawful for any person to fire a firearm, but it shall not be
unlawful to possess a firearm in the following areas:
   All of T. 5 S., R. 5 E., except Sections 1, 2, 11, 12, and 13, of
Fish and Game District 4D.

10663.  In Fish and Game Refuge 4-D the lawful occupant of privately
owned lands or the employees of such occupants may possess firearms
without a permit.

10664.  In the Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Point Fermin, South
Laguna Beach, Niguel, Irvine Coast, and Doheny Beach Marine Life
Refuges, the following fish, mollusks, and crustaceans may be taken
under the authority of a sportfishing license as authorized by this
code: abalone, lobster, rockfish (Scorpaenidae), greenling, ling cod,
cabezon, yellowtail, mackerel, bluefin tuna, kelp bass, spotted sand
bass, barred sand bass, sargo, croaker, queenfish, corbina, white
seabass, opaleye, halfmoon, surfperch (Embiotocidae), blacksmith,
barracuda, sheephead, bonito, California halibut, sole, turbot, and
sanddab. Fin fish shall be taken only by hook and line or by
spearfishing gear. All other fish and forms of aquatic life are
protected and may not be taken without a written permit from the

10665.  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, in the
Johnsville Game Refuge it shall be unlawful for any person to
discharge a firearm or other device capable of killing or injuring
any animal. However, it shall not be unlawful for the lawful
occupants of privately owned lands or the employees of such occupants
to possess firearms or other devices capable of killing or injuring
an animal without a permit.
   Birds and animals lawfully taken and possessed outside of the
boundaries of the Johnsville Game Refuge may be possessed within the

10666.  In the James V. Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, the following
fish and mollusks may be taken under the authority of a sport fishing
license as authorized by this code: abalone, rockfish (Sebastes),
lingcod, surfperch (Embiotocidae), monkeyface eel, rock eel, white
croaker, halibut, cabezon (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus), kelp
greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus), and smelt (Osmeridae and
Antherinidae). No such fish having fins may be taken except by hook
and line or by spearfishing. All other fish and forms of aquatic life
are protected and may not be taken without a written permit from the

10667.  (a) In the Dana Point Marine Life Refuge below the
intertidal zone, the following fish, mollusks, and crustaceans may be
taken under the authority of a sportfishing license as authorized by
this code: abalone (subject to the moratorium imposed under Section
5521), lobster, rockfish (Scorpaenidae), greenling, ling cod,
cabezon, yellowtail, mackerel, bluefin tuna, kelp bass, spotted sand
bass, barred sand bass, sargo, croaker, queenfish, corbina, white
seabass, opaleye, halfmoon, surfperch (Embiotocidae), blacksmith,
barracuda, sheephead, bonito, California halibut, sole, turbot, and
sanddab. Fin fish shall be taken only by hook and line or by
spearfishing gear. All other fish and forms of aquatic life are
protected and may not be taken without a written permit from the
   (b) Except as expressly provided in this section, it is unlawful
to enter the intertidal zone in the Dana Point Marine Life Refuge for
the purpose of taking or possessing, or to take or possess, any
species of fish, plant, or invertebrate, or part thereof, to use or
have in possession any contrivance designed to be used for catching
fish, to disturb any native plant, fish, wildlife, aquatic organism,
or to take or disturb any natural geological feature. This
subdivision does not prohibit persons from entering the intertidal
zone for the purpose of entertainment, recreation, and education
while having a minimum impact on the intertidal environment and the
living organisms therein. For this purpose, minimum impact includes
foot traffic, general observation of organisms in their environment
with immediate replacement of any unattached organisms to their
natural location after temporary lifting for examination, and
photography. Minimum impact does not include removal of attached
organisms from their environment, gathering of fishing bait,
littering, collecting rocks and shells, or turning rocks or other
acts destructive to the environment.
   (c) For the purposes of this section, "intertidal zone" means the
area of the refuge between the mean lower low-water mark and the mean
high-tide line described in Section 10907.
   (d) Notwithstanding subdivision (a) or (b), the Director of the
Dana Point Marine Life Refuge, or any person, who has a scientific
collector's permit from the department, to whom the Director of the
Dana Point Marine Life Refuge has issued a permit pursuant to Section
10502.6, may take, for scientific purposes, any fish or specimen of
marine plant life under the conditions prescribed by the department
pursuant to Section 10502.6.
   (e) This section does not prohibit the entry of state and local
law enforcement officers, fire suppression agencies, and employees of
the department in the performance of their official duties. This
section does not prohibit or restrict navigation in the Dana Point
Marine Life Refuge pursuant to federal law.