
SECTION 80151-80152

80151.  No person or common carrier shall transport, or receive or
possess for transportation, any native plant or any wood, or part
thereof, except its fruit or manufactured wood articles, that
requires a permit, wood receipt, or tag and seal, unless the person
offering the plant for shipment furnishes to the person or common
carrier a valid permit therefor, and any required wood receipts, and
has securely and properly attached thereto any required tag and seal.
If for transportation outside of the state, the plant shall also
bear a certificate of inspection by the department.

80152.  All native plant species or varieties subject to this
division, when not grown in California and imported into this state,
shall be declared at a California agricultural inspection station or
an office of the department, and proceed to destination under
quarantine orders issued by agents of the department employed at the
station or office. Any person transporting any plant species or
varieties subject to this division from outside the state into
California shall have in his or her possession a valid bill of sale
for those native plants, and such permits and tags as may be required
by the state of origin, and shall produce the bill of sale as well
as any permits and tags for inspection by any duly authorized person
as described in this division or any peace officer of the state as a
requirement for entry into the state of the native plants.