
SECTION 6441-6443

6441.  If, after inspection, any plant or thing is found to be
infested or infected, the owner or bailee shall, at his expense,
disinfect the conveyance or place where the plant or thing may have
been located, in such manner as to destroy all infection or
infestation present, or that is liable to be present.

6442.  The officer who makes the inspection shall not permit any
article to be removed which has come in contact with the infested or
infected plant or thing, if such article might convey infection or
infestation, until after the infection or infestation is destroyed,
except for the purpose of destruction or disinfection under the
supervision of the inspecting officer.
   Any article which is liable to be infested or infected shall be
held until it has been thoroughly disinfected and the pest has been

6443.  The director may designate certain plants that are not for
planting, propagation, or ornamental purposes within this state,
which are arriving from certain areas, to be plants that may be
released without inspection, if he finds, upon investigation, that
such plants from such areas are not liable to cause the introduction
of pests into this state.