SECTION 59721-59738
59721. The affairs of each proration zone shall be managed by a marketing program committee which is appointed in accordance with this chapter. The director shall appoint the initial marketing program committee from nominations which are received at the public hearing upon the proposed program. The term of office of the initial marketing program committee shall be for one marketing season. The term of office of subsequent marketing program committees for each marketing program shall be two years or until their successors have been appointed and have qualified. The beginning date of the term of office shall be set forth in the marketing program. 59722. For terms subsequent to the term of the initial committee, members and their respective alternates shall be selected and appointed in accordance with the following procedure: The director shall divide the proration zone into as many districts as may be necessary for the proper administration of the program, and allot to each district the proper number of producers to be appointed to serve as members and alternate members upon a marketing program committee so as to give as nearly as possible adequate representation to all producers in all such districts. Members and their respective alternate members shall be appointed by the director from lists of producers that are eligible to serve on the marketing program committee. In addition, the director may appoint one public member on each such marketing program committee. Upon the director's request, the committee shall submit to the director the names of three or more natural persons, each of whom shall be a citizen and resident of this state and not a producer, shipper, or processor nor financially interested in any producer, shipper, or processor, for appointment by the director as a public member of the committee. The director may appoint one of the nominees as the public member on the committee. If all nominees are unsatisfactory to the director, the committee shall continue to submit lists of nominees until the director has made a selection. Any vacancy in the office of the public member of the committee shall be filled by appointment by the director from the nominee or nominees similarly qualified submitted by the committee. The public member of the committee shall represent the interests of the general public in all matters coming before the committee and shall have the same voting and other rights and immunities as other members of the committee. 59723. Eligible lists shall be established by the director either by means of a meeting of producers in each district, or by means of mail ballot, or by a combination of meetings and mail ballot. The method to be used shall be determined by the director, except that a mail ballot shall be granted upon a written request of 10 percent of the producers. Each producer is entitled to one vote and voting by proxy is not permitted. From nominations which are made, not less than three eligible persons shall be selected for each member of the committee. Any person that is nominated shall be a producer with producing property which is located within the district for which he is nominated. 59724. If a corporation or a partnership is a producer, it may designate a representative who may be a nominee. 59725. Each respective alternate shall be appointed from the same eligible list from which the member is appointed. Each district in the proration zone is entitled to at least one member and one alternate member of the committee. 59726. The marketing program committee may at any time invite any handler or other person to its meetings to serve in an advisory capacity and may authorize, subject to the approval of the director, the payment of compensation and necessary expenses to any person that is serving in such advisory capacity at rates not to exceed those which are granted to marketing program committee members. 59727. The director may, if requested by the producer members of the marketing program committee, appoint on the committee, in addition to the producer members, not more than three handler members and their respective alternates who are handlers of the commodity which is affected by the marketing program of the proration zone. 59728. If grade, quality, or size regulations are authorized under any marketing program for any commodity which is used for canning, freezing, fermenting, or distilling, and the regulations are not an integral part of a proration plan for the purpose of controlling a surplus condition in the commodity, such grade, quality, or size regulations or interpretations, or modifications of them, shall be approved by a grading committee which is appointed by the director. A grading committee shall consist of the marketing program committee, or a subcommittee, of at least seven members and an equal number of processor representatives that are nominated by the industry which is engaged in the processing of the commodity that is involved. Any action of the grading committee shall be concurred in by a majority of the processor members, a majority of the producer members, and by the director. 59729. The members and alternate members of any marketing program committee or grading committee which are duly appointed by the director, including employees of the marketing program committee, are not responsible individually in any way whatsoever to any person for liability on any contract or agreement of the committee. 59730. Marketing program committee members are entitled to compensation at a rate not exceeding ten dollars ($10) each for each day while engaged on official business. Such compensation shall not, however, be paid for more than five days in any month unless approved by the director. The members shall be reimbursed for their necessary traveling expenses. 59731. An alternate member of a marketing program committee shall sit as a regular member of the committee if the member for whom he is an alternate fails for any reason to attend any meeting of the committee. He shall be compensated and reimbursed for his necessary traveling expenses in the same manner and to the same extent as a regular member while so serving. 59732. Any vacancy on the marketing program committee which is occasioned by the expiration of term of office shall be filled from eligible lists of producers selected in each district obtained as provided in Sections 59721 to 59729, inclusive. Any vacancy which is occasioned by the death or resignation of any member, or by removal for incompetence, inattention, or neglect of duties as a member of the marketing program committee, by the director, or by a member who ceases to qualify as a producer or handler of the commodity which is concerned, shall be filled from persons who remain on the eligible lists of producers from which the appointments for the current term were made, or from new lists which are obtained as provided in Sections 59721 to 59729, inclusive. 59733. The marketing program committee shall appoint an agent, subject to the approval of the director, who shall administer the marketing program under the direction of the marketing program committee and who may be removed from office in the same manner as he was appointed. The salary or compensation of the agent shall be fixed by the marketing program committee, subject to the approval of the director. 59734. The agent shall appoint such deputy agents and other assistants as may be necessary to direct the marketing program. Such appointments are subject to the approval of the program committee. The agents, deputy agents, and other assistants are employees of the proration zone and not of the state. An officer or employee shall not receive compensation which is based on a percentage of volume which is involved in a marketing program, or in any manner that would lend encouragement to the promotion of a marketing program for the purpose of increasing salaries and income. 59735. The marketing program committee, with the approval of the director, may do all of the following: (a) Appoint subcommittees in any producing areas within the proration zone to facilitate the carrying out of the purposes of this chapter. (b) Collaborate and cooperate with any agency or organization with similar purposes, whether of this state, any other state, or of the United States, in the formulation and execution of any marketing program or marketing order which has common objectives. In any proper case, the director may require such collaboration and cooperation. (c) Cooperate with any duly constituted authority in the enforcement of other laws of this state, or of the United States, which are enacted to protect producers or the consuming public from fraud or deception. (d) Make contracts and agreements in the furtherance of any of the powers of the marketing program committee. (e) Receive, invest, and disburse funds, pursuant to the provisions of Article 12 (commencing with Section 59941). 59736. The exercise of the powers which are granted to a marketing program committee in its administration of a marketing program which is made effective pursuant to this chapter is subject to the approval of the director. 59737. Upon recommendation of the marketing program committee which is concerned, the director may, consistent with this chapter, establish such administrative regulations as may be necessary to facilitate the administration and enforcement of each marketing program which is promulgated pursuant to this chapter. Upon the issuance and making effective of such regulations, notice of the issuance of the regulations shall be made in the same manner as provided in Article 16 (commencing with Section 59111), Chapter 1, Part 2 of this division for marketing orders. 59738. It is hereby declared, as a matter of legislative determination, that producers, or handlers, and processors appointed to any committees pursuant to this article are intended to represent and further the interest of a particular agricultural industry concerned, and that such representation and furtherance is intended to serve the public interest. Accordingly, the Legislature finds that, with respect to persons who are appointed to such committees, the particular agricultural industry concerned is tantamount to, and constitutes, the public generally within the meaning of Section 87103 of the Government Code.