SECTION 58741-58750
58741. Subject to the provisions, restrictions, and limitations which are imposed in this chapter, the director may issue marketing orders which regulate producer marketing, the processing, distributing, or handling in any manner of any commodity by any and all persons that are engaged in such producer marketing, processing, distributing, or handling of such commodity within this state. 58741.1. Subject to Section 58993.1, the director may establish an educational program, as defined in Section 58608.1, directly affecting producers of all commodities produced in this state. If established, the educational program shall be created with all the powers, rights, and duties set forth in this chapter, except that it shall not be subject to Section 58749 or 58993. 58742. The director may also, subject to the restriction and limitations which are contained in Article 7 (commencing with Section 58811) of this chapter, issue marketing orders which regulate the handling, processing, preparation for marketing, or marketing of any or all portions of any commodity which is produced in this state for which marketing regulatory powers are not being exercised by the federal government pursuant to the Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 (50 Stat. 249). 58743. If the director finds that it tends to effectuate the declared purposes of this chapter within the standards which are prescribed in this chapter, the director may issue a marketing order, applicable to the marketing, within this state, of any commodity, which contains like terms, provisions, methods, and procedures as any license or order that regulates the marketing of such commodity in interstate or foreign commerce which is issued by the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States pursuant to the provisions of any law or laws of the United States. In selecting the members of any board or other advisory agency under such marketing order, the director shall, insofar as practicable, utilize the same persons as those serving in a similar capacity under such federal license or order, so as to avoid duplicating or conflicting personnel. Any board, agency, or committee so appointed by the director shall be responsible to the director for the performance of such of their duties as relate to the administration of any such marketing order which is issued by the director pursuant to this section. 58744. Any marketing order which is issued by the director pursuant to this chapter may be limited in its application by prescribing the marketing area or portion of the state in which it shall be effective. A marketing order shall not, however, be issued by the director unless it embraces all persons of a like class that are engaged in a specific and distinctive agricultural industry or trade within this state. 58745. In order to effectuate the declared policy of this chapter, the director may also, after due notice and opportunity for hearing, enter into marketing agreements with processors, distributors, producers, and others that are engaged in the handling of any commodity, which regulate the preparation for market and handling of such commodity. Such marketing agreements are binding upon the signatories to the agreements exclusively. 58746. The purposes and provisions of the chapter which relate to marketing orders are applicable to marketing agreements except as follows: (a) Section 58779, which requires the preparation of an official list of the names and addresses of all producers and the volume of the commodity which was produced or marketed by all the producers in the preceding marketing season and a list of the names and addresses of all handlers and the volume of the commodity which was handled by all the handlers, during the preceding marketing season, is not applicable to marketing agreements. (b) Sections 58991 to 58998, inclusive, and Sections 59082 to 59086, inclusive, are not applicable to marketing agreements. Prior to the issuance of any marketing agreement, or amendment to it, the director shall, however, find, in addition to the findings which are set forth in Section 58813, that the marketing agreement, or any amendment to it, has been assented to by a sufficient number of signatories that handle a sufficient volume of the commodity which is affected to accomplish the objectives of the agreement or amendment and provide sufficient moneys from assessments levied to defray the necessary expenses of formulation, issuance, administration, and enforcement. (c) Section 59233 is not applicable to marketing agreements. 58747. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 58605, the director may issue and make effective marketing orders or marketing agreements that affect handlers only which include only the provisions which are authorized in Sections 58889, 58890, 58892, 58893, and 58894, or any of such provisions, but no others, as may be applicable to the commodity that is regulated which is handled within this state, without regard to whether or not such commodity is produced within this state. 58748. If producers or handlers of any commodity which is regulated by a marketing order or marketing agreement that is issued by the director pursuant to the provisions of this chapter are required to comply with minimum quality, condition, size, or maturity regulations, no person may, except as otherwise provided in such order or agreement, process, distribute, or otherwise handle any of such commodity from any source, whether produced within or without this state, which commodity does not meet such minimum requirements applicable upon producers or handlers of such commodity in this state. Such regulations do not, however, apply to any commodity which has been produced outside of this state and is in transit on the effective date of the regulations. 58749. The director may issue and make effective a marketing order or marketing agreement which applies to two or more commodities. The producers or handlers of each commodity encompassed by such marketing order or agreement shall have all rights and privileges contained in this chapter as though such producers or handlers were directly affected by a marketing order or agreement regulating only a single commodity. If the producers or handlers of one commodity who are directly affected by a marketing order or agreement which applies to two or more commodities act to enjoin, amend, suspend or terminate the provisions thereof to such commodity, the order or agreement shall not be enjoined, amended, suspended or terminated with respect to any other commodity regulated by such order or agreement unless the director finds such injunction, amendment, suspension, or termination respecting one commodity makes continuance of the order or agreement no longer feasible or it fails to attain the objectives of this chapter. Unless the director makes findings to the contrary, a marketing order or agreement applicable to more than one commodity is deemed to be severable with respect to each commodity encompassed by it and also severable as to each sentence, clause, or part as it applies to each commodity. There shall be a clear and concise definition or identification of each commodity regulated by such multiple commodity marketing order or agreement. 58750. (a) There is within the Department of Food and Agriculture a public and private collaboration known as the "Buy California Program." The purposes of the program are to encourage consumer nutritional and food awareness and to foster purchases of high-quality California agricultural products. (b) Pursuant to Section 58749, and in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the secretary may issue and make effective a marketing agreement and be advised by those elements of the production agriculture and food processing industry willing to participate in the program via co-funding or in-kind contributions in a manner defined under the agreement. (c) The department shall report to the Legislature on January 1, 2002, and each successive January 1 while this section is operative, regarding its expenditures, progress, and ongoing priorities with this program. (d) The Buy California Account is created in the Food and Agriculture Fund and, notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, is continuously appropriated for purposes of this section.