SECTION 5801-5803
5801. If the director, after investigation and hearing, determines that any kind or variety of plant is generally infected with a virus or mycoplasma-like disease that is dangerous or detrimental to the production of fruit, nut, or vine crops in this state, he may adopt regulations which prohibit or restrict the propagation by cuttings and the budding, grafting, or otherwise joining of tissue of such kind or variety of plant with any kind or variety of fruit or nut tree or vine. 5802. If a source of any prohibited or restricted kind or variety of plant has been demonstrated to be free of dangerous or detrimental viruses or mycoplasma-like organisms, the director shall, in the regulation, permit use of such source. 5803. It is unlawful for any person to bud, graft, or otherwise propagate or grow any fruit or nut tree or vine in violation of any regulations which are adopted pursuant to this article or to sell as nursery stock any plant which is so produced.