SECTION 39211-39214
39211. Every container of imitation ice cream or imitation ice milk shall be conspicuously so labeled, and every place where imitation ice cream or imitation ice milk is sold, shall display a conspicuous, legible sign which contains the words "imitation ice cream sold here" or "imitation ice milk sold here", as the case may be, in plain, block letters that are not less than six inches high. The sign display requirements of this section shall not apply to any place, except any vending machine whether mobile or otherwise, where imitation ice cream or imitation ice milk is sold in properly labeled consumer packages or containers for off-premises consumption. 39212. If a trade name is used on any vehicle which conveys, or any place where imitation ice cream or imitation ice milk is sold, the words "imitation ice cream" or "imitation ice milk", shall be the same size as the largest letters used in the trade name and as conspicuously placed. In no case shall the letters in the words "imitation ice cream" or "imitation ice milk" be less than six inches high. 39213. A person shall not use the name "creamy," "creamery," or "dairy," or the representation of a cow or any breed of dairy cattle, or any combination of such words, symbols, marks, designs, or representations commonly used in the sale, advertising, or distribution of ice cream. 39214. Milk shakes, malted milks, or malts, as such terms are commonly used in the restaurant, confectionary, or soft drink trade shall not be made from imitation ice cream or imitation ice milk or served to any customer for consumption upon the premises where they are made unless there is displayed upon such premises and visible to all customers a sign, which, as the case may require, shall read: "Imitation ice cream used in the milk drinks served here" or "Imitation ice milk used in the milk drinks served here." Each such sign shall be printed in plain block letters not less than six inches high.