SECTION 29731-29735
29731. Any honey which is packed, stored, delivered for shipment, loaded, shipped, or being transported or sold in violation of any provision of this chapter, together with its containers, is a public nuisance. The honey shall be held by the person in whose possession it may be and shall not be moved from the place where it may be, except under the specific direction of an enforcement officer. 29732. The enforcement officer may affix a warning tag or notice to the honey and its containers which are a public nuisance. 29733. If a packer or owner of honey, or the agent of either, after notification to the packer, owner, or agent that the honey and its containers are a public nuisance, refuses, or fails within a reasonable time, to recondition or remark the honey so as to comply with all requirements of this chapter, the honey and its containers: (a) May be seized by the director or any enforcement officer. (b) By order of the superior court of the county within which the honey and its containers may be located, shall be condemned and destroyed, or released upon conditions the court, in its discretion, may impose to ensure that it will not be packed, delivered for shipment, shipped, transported, or sold in violation of this chapter. A proceeding under this section is a limited civil case if the value of the property in controversy is less than or equal to the maximum amount in controversy for a limited civil case under Section 85 of the Code of Civil Procedure. 29734. If an agent is found in possession of any honey which is a public nuisance, notice of rejection or any order of the court concerning the honey may be served on such agent and need not be served on the packer or owner. 29735. It is unlawful for any person to fail to comply with the directions of any officer relating to the disposition of any honey which is a public nuisance, or with any order of court respecting it.