SECTION 29611-29620
29611. Every container or subcontainer of extracted honey shall be conspicuously marked with all of the following: (a) The name and address of the producer or distributor of the extracted honey. (b) The net weight of the honey in the container. (c) One of the United States grades which are established for honey by the United States Department of Agriculture. This subdivision does not, however, apply to honey to which pollen has been added, if the amount of pollen added is visible and each such container is plainly and conspicuously labeled with the words "pollen added". (d) In the case of any opaque container, with the color of the honey. 29612. All extracted honey shall meet the requirements of the color classifications and grades as defined in United States grades, color standards, and packing requirements for honey by the United States Department of Agriculture, according to the color classification and grade as marked. 29613. Any container of extracted honey which is marked as to color shall be considered as properly marked if the color of the honey in the container is equal to or lighter than the description as marked. 29614. If extracted honey is in crystallized form, a sample of the honey shall be liquefied and the honey graded on the liquid basis. 29615. All extracted honey regardless of grade term as marked, shall be free from serious damage and at least as free from excessive foreign material as honey that has been strained through standard bolting cloth of 23 meshes per inch. Serious damage means any injury or defect that seriously affects the appearance or edibility of the honey such as any of the following: (a) Overheating, which destroys both natural color and flavor. (b) Fermentation, which causes either foam or sourness, or both. (c) Objectionable flavor from any substance or thing other than floral source. 29616. In order to allow for variations which are incident to proper grading and handling, not more than 5 percent, by count, of the containers or of the subcontainers in any lot of honey may be below the requirements for the grade, but no part of this tolerance is allowed for defects which cause serious damage, as defined in Section 29615. 29617. If the color of extracted honey is designated on the container or subcontainer, or upon a placard which has reference to such honey, it shall conform to the color definitions provided in this chapter. 29618. Any honey which is a blend of two or more floral types of honey shall not be labeled as honey from any one particular floral source alone unless one floral type is predominant. If one floral type is predominant, such honey may be labeled as to the predominant floral type, as determined by flavor. 29619. Any slack-filled container shall be conspicuously marked "slack-filled." 29620. Extracted honey in containers which hold five ounces or more, shall be packed in standard containers and sold in the exact units of weight as set forth in the table of standard weights of honey in containers provided for in Section 29502. If the combined net weight of the extracted honey in all subcontainers contained in one master container is equal to one of the units of weight specified in Section 29502, the unit is a standard unit of weight if sold as a unit directly to the consumer.