SECTION 29170-29181
29170. No person shall maintain or operate a diseased colony of bees, except pursuant to Section 29074. 29171. No person shall conceal or attempt to conceal the fact that disease exists within an apiary. 29172. No person shall sell any diseased bees, comb, hive, appliance, or colony. 29173. No person shall abandon any diseased apiary. 29174. No person shall expose to bees any comb or honey from a diseased colony of bees, except pursuant to Section 29074. 29175. No person shall extract or render any honey, pollen, or wax from comb except in a building or enclosure which is so constructed as to prevent access by bees. 29176. No person shall possess any comb which is not occupied by a live bee colony unless the comb is tightly enclosed to prevent access to the comb by bees. 29177. Any hive or appliance which contains any comb that is not occupied by a live bee colony and that is accessible to bees constitutes a public nuisance. The hive or appliance shall be subject to abatement in the same manner as is provided in Article 14 (commencing with Section 29200) of this chapter for abatement of disease. 29178. No person shall make honey available to bees by means of open air feeding. 29179. All beekeepers shall provide movable frames in the brood area of all hives which they use to contain bees, and shall make provisions so the bees in the hives shall construct combs in the frames in such a way that the combs may be removed from the hives for inspection without damaging other combs in the hives. 29180. The inspector shall order the owner or person in charge of any bees which are kept in a box or other unmovable or stationary comb hive to transfer the bees to a movable frame hive within a reasonable time, to be specified in the order. In default of transfer by the owner or person in charge of the bees, the inspector may destroy in a summary manner the hive and its contents. 29181. No person shall place, in any combless package of bees or queen bees offered for sale or shipment, any food which contains honey.